Bellara, God of War Character in The Lands Unbound | World Anvil

Bellara, God of War

Bellara, Goddess of War and Valor   Domains: War, Valor, Strategy, Honor, Unity   Symbols: A crossed sword and shield, a red banner unfurled in the wind, a golden helm shining under a blood-red sky.   Dogma: Bellara teaches that war is not just a clash of arms but a test of heart, mind, and spirit. She champions the virtues of courage, honor, and discipline, urging her followers to stand united in the face of their enemies and to fight not for the sake of destruction but for justice, freedom, and the protection of the weak. Bellara represents the duality of war—the destruction it brings and the opportunities for heroism and unity it creates. She encourages her followers to prepare diligently for conflict, to respect their adversaries, and to seek peace whenever possible, but to fight fiercely and justly when it is not.   Followers: Bellara's followers include soldiers, generals, tacticians, and all those who seek to defend their homes and loved ones. They are often seen as the backbone of their communities, ready to lay down their lives for the greater good. Her clerics, known as the Warbringers of Bellara, serve as chaplains in armies, providing spiritual guidance, healing the wounded, and bolstering the morale of troops.   Rituals and Ceremonies: Worship of Bellara involves martial drills, weapon blessings, and remembrance ceremonies for fallen warriors. Her rituals are designed to strengthen the bonds between comrades and to steel them for the trials of battle. Offerings to Bellara include weapons taken from honorable foes, medals of valor, and vows of bravery.   Temples and Shrines: Temples dedicated to Bellara are fortified structures, often located near or within military forts or training grounds. They serve as places of worship, armories, and sanctuaries for those seeking refuge from conflict. Shrines to Bellara are more common and can be found in many settings, from bustling city squares to quiet country crossroads, each marked by her symbol and often adorned with memorials to local heroes.   Holy Days: The most sacred time for Bellara's followers is the Day of Blades, a day commemorating a legendary battle where the forces of good triumphed over overwhelming evil. This day is celebrated with parades, mock battles, and storytelling, honoring those who have fallen and inspiring those who continue to fight.   In the World: In the world, Bellara's influence is seen in the camaraderie among soldiers, the strategies of generals, and the resilience of those fighting for a cause. She is the patron of all who face the horrors of war with bravery and honor, who protect their comrades as if they were family, and who strive to make the world a safer place through their actions. Her presence is felt in the heat of battle, the quiet before the charge, and the tears shed for the fallen. While her followers come from all walks of life, they share a common commitment to the principles of valor, honor, and unity in the face of adversity.


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