Ferun, God of the Untamed Wild Character in The Lands Unbound | World Anvil

Ferun, God of the Untamed Wild

Ferun, God of Beasts and the Untamed Wild   Domains: Animals, Nature, Instinct, Survival, Freedom   Symbols: A paw print with five claws, a green leaf entwined with a feral eye, a howling wolf silhouetted against a full moon.   Dogma: Ferun teaches respect for the natural world and its creatures, advocating for balance between civilization and the wild. He encourages his followers to listen to their instincts, respect the sovereignty of all living beings, and protect the habitats that sustain them. Ferun represents the untamed spirit of nature, the raw essence of life that thrives beyond human borders. He urges his followers to find strength in their primal nature, to learn from the beasts, and to live in harmony with the earth.   Followers: Ferun's followers include rangers, druids, animal handlers, and those who live on the fringes of civilization. They are often seen as guardians of the natural world, advocates for animal rights, and defenders against encroachment and destruction. His clerics, known as the Wildheart Shepherds, are dedicated to protecting endangered species, healing injured animals, and preserving natural habitats.   Rituals and Ceremonies: Worship of Ferun is deeply connected to nature, with rituals conducted in the heart of forests, atop mountains, or within caves. His ceremonies involve offerings of natural artifacts, such as feathers, bones, or stones, and the enactment of animalistic dances and chants to honor the spirit of the wild. Followers of Ferun often undertake spirit quests or animal-guided journeys to seek wisdom and guidance.   Temples and Shrines: Temples dedicated to Ferun are rare, as his worshipers believe the entire natural world is his domain. However, shrines to Ferun can be found in secluded natural settings, marked by totems or natural stone formations. These shrines are places of refuge for animals and travelers alike, often stocked with supplies for the needy.   Holy Days: The most sacred time for Ferun's followers is the Equinoxes, when day and night are equal, symbolizing the balance between the wild and the civilized. These days, known as the Times of Equilibrium, are celebrated with festivals that include animal blessings, storytelling, and the sharing of food between humans and animals.   In the World: In the world, Ferun's influence is seen in the untamed frontiers, the resilience of wildlife, and the instincts that drive all creatures. He is the patron of those who strive to coexist peacefully with the natural world, who seek to understand the primal essence of life, and who fight to protect the environment from harm. His presence is felt in the call of the wild, the protective instincts of a mother bear, and the serene strength of a stag standing tall in the forest. While his followers are as diverse as the creatures they venerate, they share a common respect for life in all its forms and a commitment to preserving the balance of nature.


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