Gronthar, God of War Character in The Lands Unbound | World Anvil

Gronthar, God of War

Gronthar, God of War and Dominion   Domains: War, Strength, Dominion, Endurance, Solidarity   Symbols: A towering mountain overlaid with a clenched fist, a broken chain, a stone axe embedded in an anvil.   Dogma: Gronthar teaches that strength, both of body and will, is the cornerstone of survival and victory. He champions the unity and solidarity of the non-human races, urging them to stand together against common threats and to assert their dominion over their lands. Gronthar represents the relentless force of nature and the unyielding endurance of the earth. He encourages his followers to harness their innate powers, to respect the bonds of kinship and clan, and to defend their territories with unwavering resolve.   Followers: Gronthar's followers include giants, orcs, trolls, and other non-human races often marginalized or threatened by humanoid expansion. They are seen as defenders of their people, champions of their race's right to thrive. His clerics, known as the Stonewrought, serve as spiritual leaders in their communities, inspiring their kin to greatness and leading them in rituals that strengthen their bonds and their resolve.   Rituals and Ceremonies: Worship of Gronthar involves rites of passage, strength competitions, and communal oaths of protection and solidarity. His rituals are designed to fortify the spirit and body, preparing his followers for the rigors of war and the defense of their homes. Offerings to Gronthar include tokens of conquest, ancestral relics, and vows of loyalty to one's clan and race.   Temples and Shrines: Temples dedicated to Gronthar are imposing structures, often carved from mountainsides or constructed from massive stone blocks, reflecting his indomitable nature. They serve as fortresses, meeting halls, and training grounds. Shrines to Gronthar are found in rugged landscapes, marked by his symbols, and serve as places for solitary reflection or clan gatherings.   Holy Days: The most sacred time for Gronthar's followers is the Night of the Falling Stars, an annual event where the sky is said to reflect his battle against the forces of chaos. This night is observed with bonfires, storytelling, and oaths of fealty, as followers pay homage to their god's strength and pray for his favor in the coming conflicts.   In the World: In the world, Gronthar's influence is seen in the unbreakable spirit of his followers, the traditions that bind their communities, and the fierce protection of their lands. He is the patron of all who fight not for conquest but for survival, who value strength and unity, and who seek to live in accordance with the natural order. His presence is felt in the rumble of the earth, the resilience of the wild, and the fire of defiance in the eyes of his followers. While they may come from diverse backgrounds and cultures, they share a common reverence for Gronthar, seeing him as the embodiment of their collective strength and will to endure.


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