Letter From the Imperium Document in The Lands Unbound | World Anvil

Letter From the Imperium

Seal of the Imperium   You have been carefully chosen for a task of utmost importance. The current state of our beloved city, Mathsuluma, is dire. As you may well know, the once-great Imperium now stands as a shadow of its former self, besieged by powerful factions vying for control.   In these times of darkness, hope remains. A figure known only as "The Boss" claims rightful descent from the true royal line of Mathsuluma. The Boss' vision is to restore order and unity to our fractured city, to bring an end to the chaos that plagues us all. To achieve this, The Boss requires capable and trustworthy individuals—like yourself—to act as covert operatives.   You are hereby invited to meet with a representative of The Boss. This meeting will take place at the Black Briar Tavern, a location chosen for its discretion. Upon arrival, seek out the bartender and provide the passcode "Shadows Hold the Key" to gain entry to a private room.   Your skills and dedication are of great value. Together, under The Boss' guidance, we can reclaim Mathsuluma from the grip of lawlessness and pave the way for a future where all factions stand united. Your cooperation will not only be rewarded but will also play a crucial role in shaping the destiny of our city.   May the shadows protect you until we meet.   Yours in secrecy and hope,   Cassius Thorne Envoy of the Imperium   Postscript: This message is for your eyes only. Any breach of confidentiality will be met with severe consequences. Trust in the vision of The Boss, and together we shall rise.
Text, Letter


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