List of Mundane Weapons Item in The Lands Unbound | World Anvil

List of Mundane Weapons

Simple Melee:   Club : 1 SP ; 1d4 Bludgeoning ; 2 lbs. ; Light Dagger : 5 SP ; 1d4 Piercing ; 1lb. ; Finesse, Light, Thrown, Ranged (20/60) Greatclub : 2 SP ; 1d10 Bludgeoning ; 10 lbs. ; Two-handed ; Requires 14 Strength Dagger : 5 SP ; 1d4 Slashing; 1lb. ; Finesse, Light, Thrown, Ranged (20/60) Javelin: 13 SP ; 1d6 Piercing ; 2 lbs. ; Thrown (Range 30/120) Light Hammer: 3 SP ; 1d4 Bludgeoning ; 2lb. ; Light Thrown Ranged (20/60) Mace*: 7 SP ; 1d6 Bludgeoning/Slashing ; 4lb ; Crit Effect: Either an additional damage dice, or stunned for one round. Quarterstaff: 2 SP ; 1d6 Bludgeoning ; 4lbs. ; Versatile (1d8 Two Handed) Sickle: 5 SP ; 1d4 Slashing ; 2 lbs. ; Light Spear: range 10ft. 10 SP ; 1d6 Piercing ; 2 lbs. ; Thrown (Range 20/60) Versatile (1d8 Two Handed)   Simple Ranged:   Crossbow, Light: 5 GP ; 1d8 Piercing ; 5 lbs. ; Ammunition (range 80/320), loading, two-handed Dart: 5 CP ; 1d4 Piercing ; 1/4 lbs. ; Finesse, thrown (range 20/60) Shortbow: 5 GP ; 1d6 piercing ; 2lbs ; Ammunition (range 80/320), two-handed   Martial Melee Weapons:   Battleaxe: 5 gp ; 1d8 slashing ; 4 lb. ; Versatile (1d10) Flail: 3 gp ; 1d8 bludgeoning ; 2 lb. — Glaive: range 10 ft. 6 gp ; 1d10 slashing ; 6 lb. ; Heavy, reach, two-handed Greataxe: 9 gp ; 1d12 slashing ; 7 lb. ; Heavy, two-handed Greatsword: 11 gp ; 2d6 slashing ; 6 lb. ; Heavy, two-handed Halberd: 6 gp ; 1d10 slashing ; 6 lb. ; Heavy, reach, two-handed Lance: range 10 ft. 3 gp ; 1d12 piercing ; 6 lb. ; Reach, special Longsword: 3 gp ; 1d8 slashing ; 3 lb. ; Versatile (1d10) Maul: 1 gp ; 2d6 bludgeoning ; 10 lb. ; Heavy, two-handed Morningstar: 2 gp ; 1d8 piercing ; 4 lb. — Pike: 1 gp ; 1d10 piercing ; 18 lb. ; Heavy, reach, two-handed Rapier: 3 gp ; 1d8 piercing ; 2 lb. ; Finesse Scimitar: 3 gp ; 1d6 slashing ; 3 lb. ; Finesse, light Shortsword: 50 sp ; 1d6 piercing ; 2 lb. ; Finesse, light Trident: 50 sp ; 1d6 piercing ; 4 lb. ; Thrown (range 20/60), versatile (1d8) War pick: 50 sp ; 1d8 piercing ; 2 lb. — Warhammer: 2 gp ; 1d8 bludgeoning ; 2 lb. ; Versatile (1d10) Whip: 25 sp ; 1d4 slashing ; 3 lb. ; Finesse, reach   NEW::: Parrying Dagger: 5 SP ; 1d4 Piercing ; 1lb. ; Finesse, Light, gains the "Parry" trait. As a reaction, add a +2 to AC Wakizashi: 15 SP ; 1d6 Slashing; 1lb. ; Finesse, Light, gains the "Parry" trait. As a reaction, add a +2 to AC Cinqueda*: 3 GP ; 1d10 BLudgeoning/Slashing; 1lb. ; Finesse, Heavy ; Crit Effect: Roll triple damage dice instead of double Zweihander: 15 GP ; 2d6 Slashing Two-Handed/ 1d12 One Handed ; Heavy, requires 16 Strength to wield two handed, 12 to wield one handed. Shotel: 6 GP ; 1d6 Slashing; 4lb. ; Finesse gains the "Dismount" Trait that can rip a person off their horse as an attack action. Katana: 3 gp ; 1d8 slashing ; 3 lb. ; Versatile (1d10) Nagakiba: range 10 ft. 7 gp ; 1d8 slashing ; 3 lb. ; Versatile (1d10) range of 10 ft. Twinblades: 5 gp ; 2d4 slashing ; 3 lbs. Hookblades*: 5 GP ; 2d6 Slashing; 1lb. ; Finesse, Two Handed ; Cannot be Sheathed, has to be unequipped ; Crits Effect: Double Damage Dice as Per usual. Scythe: 10 GP ; 1d8 Slashing; 6lb. ; Finesse gains the "Dismount" Trait that can rip a person off their horse as an attack action. Caestus: 35 SP ; 1d6 Bludgeoning ; 2 lbs. ; Applied on the knuckles, basically brass knuckles Cross-Naginata: Ranged 10 ft. 11 GP ; 1d10 slashing/piercing damage ; 5 lbs ; Versatile (1d12 Two Handed)               Crit Effects Based on Damage Type: (* For Exceptions) Slashing For Small, Handheld Light Weapons: Target's speed reduced to 0 for one turn Slashing for Medium to Large Swords, Glaive Axe, etc. : Target's Limb (or other kind of body part) is severed from body at DM's discretion. Bludgeoning : Target stunned for 1 turn. Piercing: Roll trip
Item type
Weapon, Other


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