Operation Blasphemy Document in The Lands Unbound | World Anvil

Operation Blasphemy

A contract from the Boss, required those who sign to obey the following rules in regards to acquiring certain items for The Boss' use.   1. Discussion of this contract may only occur between those who have already signed it. Failure to follow this rule will be punishable by death. 2. The manner in which the items are acquired is at your own discretion, with the only requirement being that it be done subtly, and in a way that shall not be traced back towards the Imperium or The Boss in any way. 3. Failure to achieve these goals within the next 90 days will be punishable by death. 4. Having read this contract, if the reader decides not to sign, any discussion regarding this contract that is discovered by the member of the Imperium will be met with grave consequences.   The reward for acquiring and returning the target items will be a higher rank within the faction of the Imperium, scaling appropriately as the Imperium rises in power, as well as 1,000 GP per participant if completed within 90 days, 1,500 GP if completed within 60 days, and 2,500 GP if completed within 30 days.   The items to be acquired, and the suggested method for their acquisition:  
  • A vile of a devil's blood - The Black Lotus faction would most likely use this for high grade toxins - though it would be incredibly rare and expensive. They will likely not be keen to hand it over without good reason.
  • A piece of volcanic rock - There being only one active volcano in the world, and it being incredibly dangerous, the most likely ways to locate a piece would be locked away with The Silver Veil, or to steal it during its import into the city for either The Gilded Coin or The Silver Veil.
  • A ruby worth at least 1,000 GP - this must be a 100% pure ruby, and it must be polished well. Would most likely be sold or put up for auction at The Golden Bazaar. While it could be purchased, The Gilded Coin tends to make thorough background checks for things of that scale. We cannot risk the purchase being traced back to The Boss.
  Additionally, a trusted informant from The Iron Vipers has agreed to provide information for the Imperium. As your first course of action, you must meet with him in The Golden Bazaar. Exercise great caution: though The Iron Vipers may have a harder time catching this informant, that does not mean that you will be safe.   P.S. Dog is a man's best friend
Contract, Private


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