Sanguis, God of Murder Character in The Lands Unbound | World Anvil

Sanguis, God of Murder

**Sanguis, God of Murder and Malice**   **Domains:** Murder, Malice, Betrayal, Bloodshed, Shadows   **Symbols:** A dagger dripping with blood, a blackened heart, a pair of red eyes in darkness, a noose entwined with thorns.   **Dogma:** Sanguis teaches that life is a game of power and deceit, where the strong prey on the weak and mercy is a flaw to be exploited. He revels in the act of murder, not as a natural end but as a tool for chaos, fear, and domination. Sanguis represents the dark impulses that drive individuals to commit heinous acts, the thrill of the hunt, and the satisfaction of a plan culminating in a life's untimely end. He encourages his followers to embrace their darkest desires, to sow discord and mistrust, and to elevate themselves through the downfall of others.   **Followers:** Sanguis's followers include assassins, cult leaders, tyrants, and those consumed by hatred or vengeance. They are often seen as outcasts or shadows in society, operating from the darkness to manipulate events to their favor. His clerics, known as the Crimson Hand, perform sacrificial killings, spread terror, and invoke Sanguis's blessing to cloak their deeds in secrecy.   **Rituals and Ceremonies:** Worship of Sanguis involves secretive rituals, often involving blood sacrifice or symbolic acts of betrayal. His ceremonies are designed to desensitize his followers to violence and cruelty, binding them closer to his malevolent essence. Offerings to Sanguis include the personal belongings of victims, blood collected under a dark moon, and whispered oaths of allegiance spoken over a fresh grave.   **Temples and Shrines:** Temples dedicated to Sanguis are hidden in places tainted by tragedy or corruption, such as abandoned buildings, forgotten catacombs, or cursed lands. They are filled with altars stained with blood, and their walls echo with the whispers of the damned. Shrines to Sanguis are clandestine, often marked only by cryptic symbols known only to his followers, serving as sites for grim rituals and dark pacts.   **Holy Days:** The most sacred time for Sanguis's followers is the Night of Whispers, an annual event that celebrates the most infamous murders in history. This night is observed with ritual killings, the sharing of dark secrets, and the initiation of new followers into his bloody covenant.   **In the World:** In the world, Sanguis's influence is seen in the acts of senseless violence, the plots of the power-hungry, and the fear that lurks in the hearts of the innocent. He is the patron of all who embrace the darkness within, who seek to elevate themselves through the suffering of others, and who find pleasure in the pain they inflict. His presence is felt in the cold dread of a knife in the dark, the silent footsteps of an unseen assailant, and the quiet desperation of a society plagued by unseen terrors. While his followers are feared and reviled, they share a common bond in their devotion to Sanguis, united in their pursuit of power and their disregard for the sanctity of life.


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