Scarlet Scourge Condition in The Lands Unbound | World Anvil

Scarlet Scourge

A heinous, debilitating fungal disease created by Asag, the Plague Bringer herself. A disease so destructive and contagious, it is known for having wiped entire planets off the map across the universe. In The Lands Unbound, the climate isn't quite warm enough for it to thrive, so its outbreaks are typically contained to smaller sections, though its dangers are still prevalent.    The Scarlet Scourge can have a variety of effects depending on the species it infects, but in most cases, it causes large, red, fungal lesions to form all over the body, which typically explode and leave behind craters of missing flesh. Though a normal disease would ravage until the point that the host was no longer alive, the Scourge infects the brain and keeps it alive, causing disfigurment and mutations within its host. This lasts until their is no more organic flesh to consume, prolonging the hosts' suffering as long as possible. Typically, any creature who's, mind is consumed becomes obsessed with spreading the fungus, and becomes violent and agressive. The amount of time it takes for the host to get to this point varies depending on its' species, and intelligence.    Most of The Lands Unbound are aware of the existence of the fungus, and know that the main method of taking it down is to get it into the coldest climate possible, which it cannot survive in. It is of upmost importance to contain any spread of this fungus, and is generally a point of continent-wide agreement to eliminate it whenever possible. As of yet, no safe cure has been discovered for an infected patient, and most become corrupted and die.

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