Serve "The Boss" Plot in The Lands Unbound | World Anvil

Serve "The Boss"

The city of Mathsaluma is one of the only places where humans and giants "coexist," if you can call it coexistence. The city is loosely run by the Imperium, a severely weakened royal structure that used to rule the city with an iron fist. Several hundred years ago, the people of the city rebelled, and slaughtered the Royal Family Blackthorne. Now, the city is run by five prominent and dozens of smaller factions, each one of whom has a leader that participates in a disorganized oligarchy that makes the "laws." This system fails on nearly every front, and the government is run exclusively by crime syndicates and a struggling royal family with no remaining members, only those who remained loyal. Since the fall of the Blackthornes, the city has been a lawless, black market driven shit show. Five main, important factions exist, as follows:   The Iron Vipers:
  • Leadership and Operations: Led by "Ironhand" Garek, a ruthless former mercenary. The Iron Vipers operate with military precision and brutality. Their territory is heavily fortified, and they enforce strict discipline among their members.
  • Worship: Gronthar, God of War
  • Activities: Weapon smuggling, protection rackets, and mercenary services.
The Black Lotus:
  • Leadership and Operations: Led by "The Widow" Myra Nightshade, a mysterious and enigmatic figure. The Black Lotus uses covert operations and subtle manipulation to maintain control. They are known for their stealth and deadly efficiency.
  • Activities: Drug trafficking, poison manufacturing, and assassination services.
  • Worship: Lyssara, Goddess of Venom
The Gilded Coin:
  • Leadership and Operations: Led by "Goldfinger" Lucius Varren, a shrewd and charismatic businessman. The Gilded Coin runs like a corporation, with strict hierarchies and an emphasis on profit. They have a vast network of informants and spies.
  • Activities: Black market trading, extortion, and money laundering.
  • Worship: Valtara, Goddess of Wealth
The Bloodmoon Clan:
  • Leadership and Operations: Led by "Redblade" Karak Bloodmoon, a fierce and bloodthirsty warrior. The Bloodmoon Clan thrives on chaos and violence, often holding brutal gladiatorial games to entertain and recruit new members.
  • Activities: Kidnapping, slavery, and gladiatorial games
  • Xarnoth: God of Blood and Carnage
The Silver Veil:
  • Leadership and Operations: Led by "The Whisperer" Elara Voss, a cunning and well-connected sorceress. The Silver Veil operates in secrecy, valuing information and intelligence above all else. They have an extensive network of spies and magical surveillance.
  • Activities: Information brokering, espionage, and magical artifacts trade.
  • Worship: Elaris, God of Knowledge
    These five factions each have their own section or sections of the city where their influence is greatest, and they shape their corners however they please. The Imperium, though unable to control these factions, still maintains control of the Royal Castle of the Imperium, and does everything in its power to hold this for as long as possible, as they attempt to gain resources and one day reinstate their rule over the city.   This is where you come in. Someone from the Imperium has sent each of you a letter. The letter has its own article, titled "Letter From the Imperium." it describes the instructions given to you, and your current goal. It claims you will work under someone known as 'The Boss." It is here that your journey begins. Good Luck.


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