Solis, Goddess of Daytime and Radiance Character in The Lands Unbound | World Anvil

Solis, Goddess of Daytime and Radiance

Solis, Goddess of Daytime and Radiance   Domains: Sun, Light, Clarity, Vitality, Truth   Symbols: A radiant sun, a golden disk, an open eye surrounded by rays, a blooming sunflower.   Dogma: Solis teaches that light brings truth, growth, and renewal. She encourages her followers to seek clarity and honesty in all things, to nurture life and dispel shadows of doubt and fear. Solis represents the power of the sun to illuminate the world, revealing the beauty and truth that lies in everything. She urges her followers to be beacons of light in their communities, promoting transparency, justice, and healing.   Followers: Solis's followers include farmers, healers, artists, and judges—anyone who relies on the light of day to guide and sustain their work. Her clerics, known as the Radiant Hands, are dedicated to healing the sick, protecting the weak, and upholding the law with fairness and transparency. They are often seen as pillars of their communities, bringing hope and guidance.   Rituals and Ceremonies: Worship of Solis is joyous and vibrant, with rituals conducted under the open sky at high noon when her power is at its peak. Her ceremonies involve singing, dancing, and the sharing of food and drink, celebrating the life-giving power of the sun. Offerings to Solis include brightly colored flowers, sun-baked clay tokens, and water reflective enough to mirror the sky.   Temples and Shrines: Temples dedicated to Solis are open-air structures located in places bathed in sunlight, such as hilltops or clearings. They are adorned with gold, mirrors, and crystals that reflect and amplify the light. Shrines to Solis are more widespread, found in sunny spots and often marked with sun symbols or reflective surfaces to catch the light.   Holy Days: The most sacred time for Solis's followers is the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year, known as the Day of Radiant Glory. This day is celebrated with festivals of light, music, and communal feasting, honoring the full strength and generosity of the sun. Followers of Solis spend this day in joyful activity, appreciating the warmth and light that sustains life.   In the World: In the world, Solis's influence is seen in the warmth of the sun and the clarity it brings. She is the patron of all who seek the truth, who work in the light, and who strive to bring warmth and vitality to others. Her presence is felt in the first light of dawn, in the comfort of the sun's warmth, and in the relief that comes with illumination and understanding. While her followers may be widespread and diverse, they share a common goal: to spread the light of Solis and drive away the darkness.


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