Sorcerers: Altered Physical / Metaphysical Law in The Lands Unbound | World Anvil

Sorcerers: Altered

There are a few things for sorcerer players to know before playing a sorcerer in The Lands Unbound. First, sorcerers are very rare. In a world with 800 million people, sorcerers are 1 in 15,000. This means there are about 50,000 sorcerers in the world. You are statistically just a likely to be struck by lightning in your lifetime. When creating a sorcerer, be aware of this fact. Additionally, sorcerers are treated by most of society as mutant freaks, and threats to their way of living. Therefore, it's important to acknowledge how this might affect their upbringing and attitude towards the world.   Outside of the societal implications of being a sorcerer, there are also mechanical differences to their spellcasting. While they still have innate spellcasting ability like in the forgotten realms, using this magic comes with potentially harmful side effects, especially as you increase the power of spells. There are ways to mitigate these effects though, and that will be detailed here as well.      

Magic Well:

Beyond this, spellcasting of all kinds, when abused, have negative side effects. If, at any point, a sorcerer loses all of its spell slots, they will gain a level of exhaustion, as their inner magical well drains them of their energy. Beyond this mechanical effect, overuse of magic in this world can often attract a variety of (usually) unwanted attention.  Sorcerers usually live their life knowing very well the risk their magical talents come with.
Metaphysical, Arcane


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