Veil, the Goddess of Night Character in The Lands Unbound | World Anvil

Veil, the Goddess of Night

Domains: Twilight, Mystery, Secrets, Illusions, Transition   Symbols: A crescent moon overlapping a full moon, a shrouded figure, a closed eye with a tear, a keyhole surrounded by shadows.   Dogma: Veil teaches that truth lies in the shadows, in the space between light and darkness. She urges her followers to embrace the unknown and to understand that reality is but a small part of a greater mystery. Veil champions the pursuit of hidden knowledge, the protection of secrets, and the respect for the power of the unseen and the unsaid. She represents the transition between day and night, life and death, knowledge and ignorance, guiding her followers through the uncertainties of life with a gentle, enigmatic hand.   Followers: Veil's followers include scholars, detectives, spies, and all those who operate at the edge of society and morality. They are often seen as enigmas themselves, preferring to work in the background, influencing events through subtlety and secrecy. Her clerics are known as the Twilight's Veil, serving as guardians of forbidden knowledge and guides to those lost in darkness, both literal and metaphorical.   Rituals and Ceremonies: Worship of Veil is shrouded in secrecy, with rituals often conducted at dusk or dawn, the times when the world itself transitions from light to darkness and back again. Her ceremonies involve the sharing of secrets, the unveiling of hidden truths, or the concealment of knowledge meant to remain unknown. Offerings to Veil include whispered secrets, written confessions locked in sealed boxes, and the burning of incense that creates thick, obscuring smoke.   Temples and Shrines: Temples dedicated to Veil are rare and often hidden, located in places where the boundaries between the mundane and the mystical are thin. They are filled with labyrinthine libraries, secret chambers, and shadowy alcoves. Shrines to Veil are more common but just as concealed, often appearing as unremarkable objects like a door with no keyhole, a book with no title, or a simple, unlit lantern left in a dark alley.   Holy Days: The most sacred time for Veil's followers is the Equinox, when day and night are of equal length, symbolizing the perfect balance between light and darkness. This day is known as the Veil's Thinning, where the barrier between the known and the unknown is believed to be at its weakest. Followers of Veil spend this night in silent contemplation, seeking revelations and visions about the mysteries of the universe.   In the World: In the world, Veil's influence is subtle but pervasive. She is the patron of all who seek to uncover the truth beneath the surface or to hide it away from prying eyes. Her presence is felt in the moment of realization, in the shiver of a well-kept secret, and in the comfort of the unknown. While not overtly worshiped by the masses, those who do follow her do so with fervent devotion, finding solace in the mysteries she guards and the twilight she embodies.


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