Session 10: Hirosada Village

General Summary

The party finds themselves at the edge of the forest. Two paths lie ahead of them. Down one, they hear the sounds of metal clanking, humming, and a sweet, pungent aroma of perfumes and other scents. Weary of the implications of such pleasant and alluring aromas, the party decides to go through the yellow tall grass and go towards the derelict village down the second path. Carefully trekking through the tall grass, they make it to the village. At this point the village night is at its darkest, and the party immediately goes towards the nearest light source they could find. Here, they see a man with a torch, in silver armor with red and yellow robes. Mysterious yet friendly, they have a small conversation about who he is and where he's from. He refuses to give them too many details on his past of his motivations, but they gather at least that he's not an immediate threat. Soon, a clerical man adorned with symbols of veil comes out of a nearby house with a torch of his own. He bumps his way into the conversation, and he asks the party their business. They tell the truth, how they got here, why they're passing through the village. The man is weary, but invites them inside to talk. Once they do they see that it is fileld with basic foods and buckets of water, clearly practicality and survival over aesthetics. There is also a shrine to Veil, and many statues and carvings of her. Next to them, many leather bound books lay sporadically. Amara asks permission to read them, and the Cleric agrees. As soon as she goes to read them, Asunder walks forward and slams the book shut, claiming they do not want to see what is in there. He hands something to the cleric, who immediately understands what it means. The Cleric then apologizes, asserting again that they should not read the books. Begrudgingly, Amara stops. Then, a line of questioning occurs with the cleric, Asunder, and the rest of the party. While this is happening, Amara and Buzzbee scramble to attempt to read the books again. They are able to get some info from it, before it was taken from them again. As the party converses with the cleric, they discuss his past, soem information about the history of the Kingdom of Camavor, and what occurs. they learn about the changing moon, and the fact that every 12 hours a horde of beasts attack the village. the party discussses it for some time, then agrees to defend the village for the night. AN hour later, the bell strikes, and thehorde comes. The group valiantly fights off shadowed leapers, massive winged fiends, and undead bears with ease, only. at the cost of Asunder's leg, a small price to pay for salvation.   The session ends after combat, and the party gains 1000 XP each, except Isolde and Asunder, who both gain 1500 XP.
Report Date
24 Jun 2024


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