Sornaiid is located on the northeastern edge of the Lalvican Sea. It is bordered by the Lost Woods to the west, and the open ocean to the east.
A maritime superpower, Sornaiid has the largest navy in the land and serves as a gateway to foreign continents. The capital city of Resden is a massive port and second only to Olimandias in size. Resden and most other large settlements are situated on a large bay. The large island of Corsana shields the bay and creates a natural chokepoint between the open ocean and the capital. This narrow waterway is heavily defended with stone walls and cannon emplacements. Any foreign navy would either have to force a landing or reroute to the western side of the bay -- which is where the bulk of Sornaiid's navy is located.
The current leader of Sornaiid is Prince Corvin Adamik. He is young, only in his thirties, but a shrewd diplomat who knows how to game the system. While other leaders might vie for attention and fame, Adamik is content to play behind the scenes.
Sornaiid began as a city-state much like Hatena, but grew larger and faster due to its position at the ocean's edge. It outgrew its former government and fully transitioned into a republic long before most other nations. Throughout history, Sornaiid has regularly battled with both pirates and the naval forces of Olimandias for maritime supremacy. Prior to the collapse of Unidiel, Sornaiid was incredibly hostile to the Interior nations -- seizing ships and sinking those that refused to comply.
While Sornaiid is very proud of its legacy, it is also a nation of pragmatists. With the end of Unidiel, it became clear that Olimandias no longer had any rivals and could command every other nation to boycott trade or launch a massive invasion. Likewise, the Forsaken Fortress was growing in prominence to become a massive threat on the open sea.
Knowing that Sornaiid would not be able to survive on its own, and seeking greater technology, the leaders of Sornaiid decided to ally themselves with Olimandias. By joining in peace, without any kind of pressure, Sornaiid received one of the better annexation agreements. Now they conspire to manipulate the inner workings of the hegemony. If you can't beat 'em, then join 'em... and take 'em over from within.
Sornaiid has the largest navy on the continent. Their warships are ironclads equipped with advanced cannons and flamethrowers -- attacking at long range, and incinerating any wooden vessels that get too close. Combat vessels typically remain in the bay around the large cities, while at least one fleet patrols local trade routes. Sornaiid's navy regularly clashes with pirate vessels and has very experienced officers. Even the Forsaken Fortress would not risk a direct assault.
However, Sornaiid places so much focus on their maritime power that their budget neglects ground troops. If anyone managed to break through the navy, then Sornaiid's small standing army would be quickly overwhelmed. Fortunately, that has never happened. No foreign power has ever successfully invaded Sornaiid. It is something locals are very proud of, but at the same time it means they've never been truly tested.
Geopolitical, Republic