Cleethidad Organization in The Leitan Peninsula | World Anvil


Cleethidad is the homeland of Clan Cleeth, a group of barbarians in northern Zowonidad. Though Cleethidad is one of the northernmost regions in The Peninsula, prevailing winds out of the west that run over The Sea of North Rhime keep the region a few degrees warmer than neighboring Xehodad.


Cleethidad is a rapidly evolving barbarian culture, but barbarian culture none the less. As a vast barbarian region, they are ruled by the barbarian warlord Greygood Heavyhand. From the capital village of Cleethorpes Greygood Heavyhand commands, assists, and rules most of the tribes and smaller (non-cleeth) clans of Cleethidad.
Other than the warlord's duty to call up warriors from the scattered tribes, there is no national or provincial governmental structure. Each tribe or village is an independant unit that handles its individual conflicts and disputes. If the warlord believes that a dispute between two nomadic tribes is detremental to the greater clan, they may suggest that a quick resolution be reached. Should the quick resolution not materialize quick enough, the warlord could enforce the resolution with military might.


Clan Membership

While there is no racial or blood relation requirement to be a citizen of Clan Cleeth, the vast majority of clansmen are half-orc and blood descentants of Cleeth. If you live, work, and die amongst the Cleeth, you are a Cleeth. Once a Cleeth, you are expected to follow the customs of the Cleeth or face the consequences.


Historically at Axeholm, Humans and dwarves were well represented, but half-orcs, while not excluded, tended to be more of an afterthought. Feeling disrespected for the under representation at Axeholm, half-orcs under the leadership of Cleeth migrated northward from Tofididad and Zozowonidad and established the provence of Cleethidad. So frustrated with their lack of recognition by the others, the new tribe of Clan Cleeth eschew most of the human and dwarf traditions and refuse to participate in the Trial of Independence.

Demography and Population

Cleethidad has a population of about 6,000. Primarily a region of half-orcs, other races are represented in small numbers.
  • Humans - 14%
  • Dwarves - 9% - Mostly glasera (ice dwarves)
  • Elves - 8% - Mostly wood elves
  • Half Orcs - 63%
  • Half-Ogres - 3%
  • Other Races - 3%
About 33% of the population lives in permanent settlements. The remainder are nomadic and follow various game and other food sources as the seasons change.


Weather & Climate

Arctic climate conditions dominate the lands of Cleethidad. The winters are long and bitterly cold. Temperatures can easily reach -50.0 at night and rarely rise above 20.0 by day. Coastal regions experience slightly milder extremes.
Most of Cleethidad is a vast ice sheet which accounts for about 80% of its area. Snow and ice are present year round in many areas. Glacial ice dominates the landscape and snowfall is common, especially during the winter months.
During the short summer temperatures can rise above freezing, especially along the coast. During the month of Andru coastal temperatures can be in the 40s.
Cleethidad generally experiences low precipitation, especially in the form of rainfall. Most precipitation comes in the form of snow, adding to the regions icesheet. Coastal regions recieve more rainfall than inland areas.
Weather conditions can be highly variable. There are rapid changes and the potential for sudden storms. Coastal regions may experience milder and more stable weather than the interior.

Extrordinary Fauna

Ice Mephits, Frost Giants, Mammoths

Exceptional Flora

Fireweed, Shuffling Moss


Standing Army



The Warlord can call upon all Cleeths to form up. Doing so raises a well trained barbarian army of about 5,400 men, women, and youths. Only the very old and very young do not fight.


Honor of customs, not written law, maintains order throughout Cleethidad. All of these customs have evolved to promote family, tribe, and the barbarian nation; all the while minimizing internal conflict.

Agriculture & Industry


The nomadic tribes hunt caribu, mammoth, walrus, and whale.


Primarily meats and fats sourced from the caribu, mammoth, walrus, and whale they hunt.


Skins, furs, and pelts worked into layered interlocking garments.

Trade & Transport



This far north and this far into the frontier of The Peninsula money has very little value. Except in some very specific costal trade villages Cleeth's don't use minted money of any kind. A gold peice might make a fancy button, but would not be as practical as a toggle carved from walrus tusk. Even gemstones are generally viewed as attractive trinkets unless the Cleeth is from a coastal trade village.
The economy in Cleethidad is based entirely upon trade. Barter for food, skins, weapons, dogs, livestock is fairly regular and stable. i.e. a Handaxe will get you a pound of blubber and vice versa throughout most of the year. Cleeth's also trade for sercives rendered. A Cleeth might trade a harpoon for a day's labor butchering a walrus.




While illiteracy limits most barbarian culture's education, The Cleeths are an outstanding exception. They have embraced learning and have a strong oral tradition that has embraced training and passing on of skillsets typically assumed to require reading and writing.
Song is one of the most used skills in training the next generation in the ways of life in the frozen north. Alchemical songs for the brewing of potions, percussive beats and chants for the forging of steel, and even rhythmic cadence for the preservation of foods and hides abound as a visitor walks through a Cleeth village.
Since survival in the frozen north is always a struggle. Cleeth youth are trained at a very young age in the ways of maintining life. Songs, stories, and even occasionally art are used to pass on hunting, cooking, keeping warm, gathering water, and even disposal of waste.
"I never felt as uneducated as the day that young Cleeth of 5 summers showed me that I had been wearing my parka and mukluks incorrectly and then sang a nursery rhyme to me to help me remember the order to don my cold reather gear."
-Suncrest Fieldrunner
"Rejoice hidden masters that these 'Cleeth' are few in number. Should they multiply, they would rule all of Leitan with their guile and strategy."
Tang Cooper - gc, ioiq
Founding Date
1014 g.t.
Geopolitical, Clan
Government System
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Economic System
Barter system
Key Settlements
Key Geographic Features
Sapphire Bay
Sacred Peaks
Barter of goods and services
Major Exports
By Sea:
Gemstones - Sapphire Bay
By River:
Timeber - Lower Raging River
By Land:
Very little
Notable Members

Cover image: by Blutfort with Generative AI


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