Ecstasy Wanderfar Character in The Leitan Peninsula | World Anvil

Ecstasy Wanderfar

(a.k.a. The Learner)

A lesser deity in the The Leitan Pantheon, Ecstasy Wanderfar is fount of endless curiosity. Their clerics roam The Peninsula seeking out new knowledge. The Learner is typically only worshiped by gnomes, but there are occasionally other races that will pay tribute to them.

Widely worshiped amongst the gnomes, Ecstasy Wanderfar is rather aloof. They tend to spend most of their time wandering, learning, and protecting nature. Rarely does The Learner meddle in the affairs of mortals. Regardless, if proper sacrifices are made they will lend aid to followers in need.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The church of Ecstacy Wanderfar holds three distinct symbols as holy:
  • An oil lamp - symbolizing the light gained through knowledge
  • A prarie rose - symbolizing the greatness in all of nature
  • A Sextant - Symbolizing Travel and Wanderlust

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To learn all that is learnable.

Game Mechanics

Divine Abilities

Ageless - The gods are nearly immortal. They do not age. The only way for a god to die is to be slain on their home plane of existance. If reduced to zero hit points on the prime material plane, they disperse and materialize on their home plane after d100 days.
Teleport without Error - The gods posess the ability to teleport without error to any location on the same plane of existance. This aability my be used at will.
Perfect Initiative - When interacting with mortals, gods always win initiative compared to the mortals. e.g. if 2 gods and 2 mortals are in combat, the two gods roll against each other and the 2 mortals roll against each other.
Comprehend Languages - All gods understand and can speak any language. It is assumed that this includes written and spoken languages as well as other, more unusual, forms of communication like the light and color based dialect of the will o'wisp.
Magic Use - All gods may use any spell of any level. This includes the spells of priests or wizards and does not requires the use of spell books, prayers. or material. verbal. and somatic components. In short, invoking such powers requires the slightest act of will on the part of these incredible beings.
Shapeshifting - Lesser gods can change into any animate object they desire. Their power is restricted, however, so that their new form will be an average example of the creature.
Magic Resistance - Lesser gods are 90% resistant to mortal magic, 60% resistant to magic wielded by gods of lesser ranks, 45% resistant to magic of gods of same stature, and 20% resistant to magic of gods of higher stature.
Saving Throws - Lesser gods have a saving throw of "3" in all categories. Thus they will only fail their saves on natural rolls of "1" or "2".
Planar Travel - Lesser gods can travel between planes at will. No physical or material barrier can hinder such transit and they have no chance of error.
Sensing Ability - Lesser gods always know what is happening within 10 miles of themselves. They can extend their senses to include knowledge of all that is transpiring within 10 miles of any of their worshipers or any of their holy objects.
Creation - Lesser gods cannot create or duplicate any object, but they know where to find any object that they desire that already exists. If they desire an object which does not exist, they can sense the location of those who can manufacture it.
Life and Death - Lesser gods share the ability to raise any previously living mortal being from the dead. They can do this at will and across any distance or barrier no matter what the current condition of the body.
Communication - Lesser gods can communicate with their worshipers only through dreams or face to face. In some cases, they create special holy objects which allow them to communicate directly with their followers.
Granted Abilities - Lesser gods can grant their worshippers any power that does not exceed their own powers, or spell of up to 6th level.
Brown, Rust Red, Dull Green

Star Garnet

Precious Metal

Holy Number

Celestial Body
Comet Pragnomish

Physical Gesture
Look up to the left. Look up to the right. Look forward and nod.

Oral Response
No matter where you go, there you are.

A book open to a page, a flame split in three from a lamp, foul weather, the wandering albatross

Animal Avitar

Home Plane of Existence

Spheres of Clerical Spells
All, Charm, Healing, Plant, Weather Traveller, Elemental - Earth, Elemental - Water1,2

Undead Action

Requirements of the Priesthood

Ability Scores

Allowed Alignments
Chaotic Good, Neutral Good, Chaotic Neutral, True Neutral

Allowed Weapons
Non-Edged, Non-Martial

Allowed Armor
Any non-metal

Additional Game Mechanics

Base Percentage of Intercession

Divine Classification
Lesser Leitan Deity
Chaotic Good
Gender Neutral

1. Spheres in italic print are minor access.
2. There are Prohibited or Restricted access domains.

Cover image: by Blutfort with generative AI


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