Oella Character in The Leitan Peninsula | World Anvil


(a.k.a. Goddess of the Sun and Sky)

Bickering with Lehas at moon creation.

Divine Domains

Priests of Nardo have access to the following Domain Lists:
  • Major Access
    • All
    • Weather
    • Sun
    • Healing
    • Protection
  • Minor Access
    • Divination
    • Astral
    • Guardian
  • Prohibited Access
    • Elemental - Earth
  • Restricted Access
    • Necromantic
Major Access allows access to all spell levels in that domain list.
Minor Access allows access to spells leveled 1 to 3 in that domain list.
Prohibited Access prohibits access to any spells on that domain list.
Restricted Access restricts acces to only spells of levels 1 to 3 on that domain list, but they are cast at a penalty.


Oella has created and collected several artifacts and relics over the millennia. Here are a sample of those items.

Amulet of Solar Radiance

This radiant amulet is adorned with a brilliant, golden gemstone that appears to capture the very essence of the sun. It is believed to grant its wearer enhanced vitality, charisma, and protection from darkness and malevolent forces. The Amulet of Solar Radience is often worn by the Oella's chosen champions, and it symbolizes her blessing of light and life.
Location: The Peninsula
Owner: Roxana Dawn - Champion of Oella

Sword of Aurelian

The Aurelian Blade is a legendary sword that gleams with the brilliance the sun itself. Informally it is known as the Sun Sword. Forged from a rare celestial metal, this sword is said to be imbued with the Oella's power. It is a symbol of her divine authority and is only wielded by the goddess's champion. Between champions or heroes the blade has been known to be temporarily used by those who prove their unwavering devotion to her cause.
Location: The Peninsula
Owner: Roxana Dawn - Champion of Oella

The Celestial Chalice

The Celestial Chalice is made of shimmering crystal and said to be a gift from the goddess herself. It is believed to hold the liquified essence of the sun and sky, and those who drink from it are granted visions of the divine, clarity of purpose, and renewed strength. The Celestial Chalice is used in religious ceremonies and rituals to commune with the goddess.
Location: Font of Light and Sky
Owner: Elliott Brighte - High Priestess of Oella

Wings of Dawn

These majestic wings are a symbol of the goddess's connection to the sky and the sun. She will grant a pair to her most trusted servants, allowing them to fly and bask in the warmth and light of the sun. Possession of the Wings of Dawn signifies the highest honor and responsibility within the goddess's clergy. Unlike most divine relics, there are multiple pairs of these wings in existence.

Mirror of the Heavenly Ecliptic

The Mirror of the Heavenly Ecliptic is a mystical looking glass that allows its user to gaze upon the movements of celestial bodies and the heavens themselves. Rumors state the mirrir can reveal hidden truths, provide guidance, and predict celestial events. Historically, priests and priestesses of the goddess would consult the Mirror of the Heavenly Ecliptic to interpret the goddess's will and divine the future. Unfortunatly, the mirror was lost to the wizards of Tok Tomaki.
Location: The Laboratories of Tok Tomaki
Owner: Unknown

Holy Books & Codes

The Aurelian Codex

Oella's sacred book is "The Aurelian Codex". Her followers revere and study this tome for guidance, inspiration, and wisdom. It it they find insights into her teachings and tenents.
The Aurelian Codex begins with the story of The Peninsula's creation and that recounting is considered the most accurate version in existence. It spends a good bit of time describing Oella's part in breathing life into the heavens and warming the surface of The Peninsula. A popular sub chapter is devoted to her illuminating the darkness that permeated everything before her.
The dogma of Divine Radience is explained. This dogma emphasizes Oella's role as a source of light, warmth, and nourishment. It explains how her presence is in every ray of sunshine and every gentle breeze in the air. It then goes on to connect her grand and benevolent influence to the vitality of the natural world.
The codex outlines the core teachings of Oella and focuses on values. Some of the more common values are those of compassion, enlightenment, and betterment of the suffering. Hidden between the literal text is the relevation that though she is literrally the goddess of illumination, she encourages her followers to seek inner illumination through kindness, charity, and self discovery.
A truly blessed Codex contains a magical ephemera for the sun, and three moons. This ephemera includes rise, set, zeniths, apogee, perigee, elongation, and various other datum. A lesser Codex will have chapters explaining the derevation of these values from several equations and benchmark values. It then goes on to teach that the movement of the stars and planets holds hidden messages and insights into the goddess's divine plan. Followers are encouraged to study the night sky for signs and guidance.
There are several historical accountings of significant events in Oella's history. A well known one tells the story of the Lady of Light's champions, who were blessed with the Wings of Dawn, soared in the sky and carried her light to the far reaches of The Peninsula. This accounting serves as an inspirational tale for those aspiring to serve Oella with unequivoqual devotion.
Finally the Codex closes with an appendix, The Parable of the Eternal Sunset. This chapter discusses the afterlife in the Neitherworld and Seven Heavens. It describes a warm peaceful sunset that never ends. Serenity abounds even as war and flames may have taken the world behind you.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Oella is a goddess of the people of The Pantheon. She cares about them all, and is open to them all, but can be a bit clumsy in her direct accessibility. Her most prominent sybol is the sun or a representation of it, even a simple drawing of a circle can often be interpreted as a sign of Oella. Other common signs used by the goddess are: a hawk, a sigil of the three moons, and a slashed diagonal line at the exact same angle as the ecliptic.
Oella's Symbol or Sigil is a bedizened compass rose with a characterized sun in the center and the celestial bodies in an allegorical circle about it all. The compass rose represents the unchanging order of The Peninsula. The sun is symbolic of Oella herself. And the ring of cellestial bodies are placed with her at the center of it all. For all the order in her order, there is a lot of variation in her symbol representations.

Tenets of Faith

Always Be the Light

Followers of Oella shall always be the light. Promote the truth. Promote enlightenment. Dispel darkness. Dispel ignorance. Eliminate falsehood.

Always Show Compassion

One of our central virtues is compassion. Treat all beings with kindness, empathy, and respect. Actively engage in acts of charity and aid those in need.

Plan the Work and Work the Plan

In all things seek order, justice, and fairness. Uphold the law. Establish fiar and just governance. Resist chaos and lawlessness.

Cultivate Wisdom and Knowledge

Pursuit of knowledge and wisdom is a sacred duty of all of Oella's followers. Valuing education, critical thinking, and enlightenment is paramount.

Heal the Sick

We are dedicated to healing as a church. We heal more than physically. We must also care for the mental health and spiritual well being. Care of the sick, wounded, and emotionally distressed is an important task.

Defend the Vulnerable

Protecting the weak, the oppressed, and those who cannot defend themselves is duty that the faithful cannot neglect.


The church of Oella observes several holidays throughout the year. The more major ones are listed below:
Majira is a celebration of high summer. It falls on the Solstice of Andru, the 15th of the month to be exact. It is very much a celebration of life and sustainment. The celebration begins at sunrise on the date of the solstice and ends at sunset. It is primarily a feast where the church and the faithful feed those in need.
Those outside the Sanctuary of the Luminous Celestial have appropriated the celebration and have turned it into a day of feasting, games, and fun. Some of the more devout show disgust at the lack of respect the coopted celebration shows to the Goddess of Sun and Sky, but officially the church has no opinion of the false festival.
The Solstice of Batdru is the middle of winter and typically the worst (coldest and stormiest) weather of the year. On this date, 1st of Batdru, the church has a festival of warmth and shelter. Churches and temples open their facilities to those needing places to shelter from the cold and storms that ravage The Peninsula on this date.
Offically the festival runs from sunrise on the 1st to sunrise on the 2nd, but in practice the chruch sponsored festival begins when it gets nasty outside and ends when it's not quite so nasty. Outside the church, secular revelers often make this an evening of staying indoors and eating and drinking to breakup the gloominess of winter in the Leitan Peninsula.
The Nindru Equinox falls on the 30th of Nindru and though the weather has been springlike for a few weeks, this is the astronomical beginning of spring. The church celebrates this event as a time of fertility and rebirth. Most communities hold mass ceremonies in their town squares where the local church authority figure blesses the present members for healthy offspring.
Oddly enough, not many secular appropriations of this celebration have happened historically.
Oeldru Equinox Occurs in the middle of Oeldru, but the celebration of Vullitot occurs on the last day of the month and is often also a community acknoledgement of a successful harvest and growing season. Families make plans for getting through the winter in northern climates, and in the southern climates they make plans and preparations for the stormy season.
Kuzwally occurs on the first day of Nindru and marks the beginning of a new year in The Peninsula. In all reality, this is not a religious holiday, but since the preists of Oella are the best astronomers in The Peninsula, they have assumed the responsibility for declaring the new year.
In general it is a day of feasts and celebration. Many communities hold carnivals and competitions on this day. People travel into the cities from the outliing farms and camps to celebrate with the larger populations. If there is one celebration that trancends race, religion, and location it is Kuzwalli.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

While most deities have grandiose plans, goals, and aspirations that typically involve a 'My way or the highway' attitude, Oella has a much less self serving goal, but one no less grandiose. Simply put, Oella seeks To Illuminate The Peninsula in Peace and Harmony. She wishes to see an era of light, order, and benevolence prevailing over darkness, chaos, and suffering.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Overall, the goddess of sun and sky projects, or better yet, radiates, an aura of divine beauty, benevolence, and celestial majesty. Her appearance is a reflection of the grandness of the sun and is awe inspiring and subconciously demands reverence from mortals who gaze upon her.
Physically she is slender and lithe with brown hair and bronze skin.

Body Features

The goddess has a statuesque figure and exudes grace in every movement. One can almost feel the strength, elegance, and divine authority pouring off of her. The warmth and serenity radiating from her body make those in her presence who don't oppose her feel safe and protected.

Facial Features

Oella is adorned in a mystical radiant halo that hovers abover her head and face. Followers see this halo as a symbol of her divine status and as the ruler of the sun and sky. When jewelery is worn it is often symbolic of the celestial bodies and glows with a similar brilliance. Some descriptions of her include a mist of shimmering colors and patterns that create an aurora borealis-like effect surrounding her face and form.

Mental characteristics

Intellectual Characteristics

Oella has a great confidence in all her ways, but it is never accompanied by arrogance. She is approachable and willing to engage dialogue with others. She enjoys sharing her knowledge and wisdom with others and is often seen as a mentor or educator and guide. She upholds a strong moral compass and is committed to ethical behavior. Her wisdom extends to making choices that align with her values and the greater good.
One of her most important characteristics is empathy. Wisdom goes hand in hand with empathy. Oella understands the emotions and perspectives of others. This understanding spawns valuable advice and excellent support to those in need. e.g. Oella wound not deliver refrigerators to Clan Cleeth in Cleethidad.

Morality & Philosophy

Oella has a strong commitment to order, justice, and the greater good. She demands an upholding of moral principles and societal order from her followers. A adherence to the laws and rules of society is demanded. She believes that a structured society with clear guidelines and expectations is essential for the well being of all.
Justice is a key tenent of Oella's philosophy. She and her follewers seek that fairness prevails and that wrong-doers are held accountable for their actions. Even when these wrong-doers fall, they are still to be shown compassion and empathy.
Honesty, honor, and personal integrity are highly valued by Oella. Her followers are truthful and expect the same from others. They take their commitments seriously and strive to maintain their word.


Thou shalt not harm the innocent
Deliberate harm or cruelity towards the innocent is strictly forbidden. Oella's followers are expected to protect and nurture, not harm and hinder.

Thou shalt not enclasp the darkness
Engaging in acts of evil, deception, malevolence, or willingly serving sinister forces is an affront to Oella's will. Her followers must reject darkness in all its forms.

Thou shalt not withold aid from the needy
It is an aggregious sin to refuse aid or assistance to those in need. Followers of Oella shall be compassionate and willing to help others before meeting their own needs.

Thou shalt not perturb the harmony.
With their followers focused on unity, cooperation, and reconciliation, peace, harmony, and social order are paramount. Any action that would introduce a perturbation into the order is strongly discouraged.

Thou shalt not enclasp corruption.
Those in positions of power must not abuse their authority. Service to others is a privelage and should be executed with humility, fairness, and justice.

Thou shalt not abandon the truth.
Falshoods, deciet, and dishonesty undermines trust and the pursuit of pure knowledge. Truth, transparency, and trust should be foundational in all interactions.

Thou shalt not forbid redemption.
Refusing to offer a chance for redemption to those that have fallen short of Oella's glory goes against Her vision of forgiveness and hope. All beings should be given an opportunity for redemption and growth.


Contacts & Relations

Populate this field.

Family Ties

Populate this field.

Game Mechanics

Divine Abilities

Ageless - The gods are nearly immortal. They do not age. The only way for a god to die is to be slain on their home plane of existance. If reduced to zero hit points on the prime material plane, they disperse and materialize on their home plane after d100 days.
Teleport without Error - The gods posess the ability to teleport without error to any location on the same plane of existance. This aability my be used at will.
Perfect Initiative - When interacting with mortals, gods always win initiative compared to the mortals. e.g. if 2 gods and 2 mortals are in combat, the two gods roll against each other and the 2 mortals roll against each other.
Comprehend Languages - All gods understand and can speak any language. It is assumed that this includes written and spoken languages as well as other, more unusual, forms of communication like the light and color based dialect of the will o'wisp.
Magic Use - All gods may use any spell of any level. This includes the spells of priests or wizards and does not requires the use of spell books, prayers. or material. verbal. and somatic components. In short, invoking such powers requires the slightest act of will on the part of these incredible beings.
Shapeshifting - Greater gods can change into any animate or inanimate object they desire. The is no limit on the size of this shapeshifting. Greater gods have assumed celestial object sized proportions on occasion.
Magic Resistance - Greater gods are 100% resistant to magic cast by non gods, 75% resistant to magic wielded by gods who are not of greater god status, 50% resistant to magic of other greater gods.
Saving Throws - Greater gods always make their saving throws. They don't roll, they just make them.
Planar Travel - Greater gods can travel between planes at will. No physical or material barrier can hinder such transit and they have no chance of error.
Sensing Ability - Greater gods always know what is happening everywhere on their home plane of existence. Greater gods also always know what is happening within 10 miles of themselves. They can extend their senses to include knowledge of all that is transpiring within 10 miles of any of their worshipers or any of their holy objects.
Creation - Greater gods can create any object animate or inanimate. There are limitations, but no mortal has ever analyzed those limitations.
Life and Death - Greater gods can kill mortals with a thought and bestow life to the dead on a whim. n.b. Another greater god could do the opposite if they desired.
Communication - Greater gods can communicate with any being on their home plane, the Prime Material Plane, or inner plane at will.
Granted Abilities - Greater gods can grant any spell level or powers to his or her priests.
Yellow, Blue, Orange


Precious Metal

Holy Number

Celestial Body

Physical Gesture
Closing the eyes. Looking upwards, Taking a deep breath.

Oral Response
Beneath the Sky. By Oella. Praise her wisdom.

Eclipse, Shaped Clouds, Sun Dogs, Bird in the House, Vivid Sunrise

Animal Avitar

Home Plane of Existence
Seven Heavens

Spheres of Clerical Spells
All, Weather, Sun, Healing, Protection Astral, Divination, Guardian1,2

Undead Action

Requirements of the Priesthood

Ability Scores

Allowed Alignments
Lawful Good, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral, True Neutral

Allowed Weapons
Non-Edged, Non-Martial

Allowed Armor

Additional Game Mechanics

Base Percentage of Intercession

Divine Classification
Greater Leitan Deity
Glowing Yellow
Light Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6’ 4”

1. Spheres in italic print are minor access.
2. There are Prohibited or Restricted access domains.


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