Binding Prism Item in The Liber Goetia setting | World Anvil
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Binding Prism

A small, triangular prism made of purest Jet.   Filled Prisms are stored within the great pyramids that serve as the jails of defeated interplanar entities. Each one is inscribed with the names of each and every Binder that contributed to the entity's defeat.   Some Prisms have hundreds of names inscribed into them. On average, there are ten names on each Prism. The least number of names on a single Prism is two.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Each Prism is inscribed with countless runes of abjuration that serve to disperse the interplanar entity's essence throughout the prism, never allowing it to coalesce enough to make an attempt to break out.


Allows a sufficiently trained team of Binders to permanently contain the essence of an Angel or Devil.
Common within the College of Binders - Rare outside of it.
Triangular prism - 3 inches high, 2 inches wide at the base.


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