Coinage of the Three Cities Item in The Liber Goetia setting | World Anvil
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Coinage of the Three Cities

The Three Cities, like many other regions, mints it's own currency which is divided into three main denominations.   Dust   A small bronze coin weighing approximately 1 gram - Round, with a hole punched through the centre. These are used most commonly in the day-to-day transactions between laborers and other common folk.   A single Dust can buy a candle, a torch, or a waterskin.   Glimmer   A rectangular silver coin with a raised edge weighing approximately 8 grams. The front face is inscribed with a cartouche - most often the Serekh-Nomen (Or "Royal Name") of the Council Representative that represented the city in which it was minted - overlaid on a representation of a gate. The back face is inscribed with the crest of the family of that council representative.   These are most commonly used by merchants and other such travelling traders, and are the most numerous coins minted. Military members are most commonly paid in Glimmer.   A single Glimmer could reasonably be expected to buy a night's stay in a public house, a flask of oil, or a full meal of middling quality.   One Glimmer is worth ten Dust.   Star   A golden coin in the shape of a triangle with curved edges and a flat apex. The front face is inscribed with a depiction of a burning city gate, and the rear face with the crest of the noble family who represented the city in which it was minted. These are the coins most commonly used among nobility, and particularly skilled craftsmen may also be paid in Stars rather than Glimmer for particularly valued pieces.   Despite its relative rarity, Stars are considered the currency standard in the Three Cities, with many goods and services being described as costing fractions of them (e.g. a half-star, or a half-star and three Dust).   A single Star could reasonably be expected to purchase a meal of high quality, a comfortable bedroll, or a carved Dragonchess set.   One Star is worth ten Glimmer, or a hundred Dust.
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Currency & Deeds


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