Heru's Eye Organization in The Liber Goetia setting | World Anvil
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Heru's Eye


A loose collection of agent cells, each unknowing of the identity of the others for security purposes.   A cell typically consists of at least one Spectre - or field agent - and two or more Phantoms - support agents. Larger cells may also have a Jinn - Arcane support.   Only the Watcher knows the identity of every member of the Eye.


The Eye is largely autonomous. Whilst the Watcher must certainly report to the higher levels of Theligosian government in some capacity, the Eye is mostly free to make decisions by themselves.   This is reflected on all levels of the organisation. Some assignments will be handed down from the Watcher themself, but individual Sifr cells often find themselves discovering their own missions, and taking them on free of external instruction.

Public Agenda

The Eye watches eternally, and works to end threats to Theligosian society before they can spiral out of control. These threats may be overt in nature - such as an imminent Infernal invasion - or more subtle, such as a slow degradation in the quality of leadership in a city due to continued and unchecked decadence.

He who sows to please their flesh, from their flesh shall reap destruction

Government, Secret Service
Alternative Names
Sifr, The Eye
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Parent Organization


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