Imuet's Scales Organization in The Liber Goetia setting | World Anvil
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Imuet's Scales

No, they're not a legal organisation - Technically. I would describe them as tolerated at best, and even then unofficially. In an ideal world, they wouldn't exist. But our world is not ideal yet. Do you imagine that every small settlement has the ability to maintain even a small standing guard? But they will have criminal elements. How, then, are they to deal with these on an ad-hoc basis? I am sure you know how "effective" a citizen militia is likely to be. - Ptahmose Heqa-Ma'at, on Imuet's Scales

An extralegal organisation that is, at best, tolerated by the authorities - So long as they ensure that they're not stepping on important toes.   Bounties can be (and are) posted for all manner of things - Monsters mostly, occasionally the retrieval of an escaped criminal, but sometimes people. "Sentient contracts", as they are known, are often the most dangerous and best paying of the contracts, as whilst the authorities might begrudgingly appreciate outside agents dealing with monsters and other such threats to outlying villages, they take a dim view of assassination.


Has a very loose "leadership" structure, with a Huntmaster and trusted lieutenants overseeing the day to day activities of the organisation. Hunters working for the organisation are, however, still free agents, and are not expected to follow orders beyond the scope of a job if they still want to get paid.


If you want to argue over technicalities and well-actuallys, go talk to a Binder. The spirit of the agreement is clear.
-Huntmaster Nu-Antef

Members tend to be fiercely individualistic, self-centred, and mercenary. There is, however, an expected code of honour - Betrayal of an employer once a contract has been agreed upon is frowned upon at best, and the employment of "technicalities" in contracts is equally despised.   Competition - even up to the point of lethal combat - between hunters is not only accepted, but encouraged.

Blood like Gold

Guild, Fighter / Mercenary


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