Infra'Sha Ethnicity in The Liber Goetia setting | World Anvil
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Infra'Sha (In-Fra-Sha)

"Some have asked, what if the seed of the Hells that lives in their heart is enough to overpower their reason? To see them cast aside their humanity and take up arms against us? A fair concern at first glance, but an unfounded one. Those who know about devils - their strengths and their weaknesses both - know that the will of a devil can never alone hope to stand against the roaring flame of humanity's will. No - if an Infra'Sha stands with Hell, they would have done so all the same without their Infernal blood."
  • Ptahmose Heqa'Maat, Master of the First Tower, on Infra'Sha.

  •   An Infra'Sha can have a wide range of appearances. Some inherit skin tones of bright red or deep purple. Some merely have small horns on their head. Others are normal in all ways save their pupils, which are small and snakelike.   All, however, have one thing in common - they share direct ancestry with at least one Devil.   That these people should exist is not particularly surprising, given that the continent of Theligose was ruled by Hell for a great many centuries. It is perhaps somewhat more surprising that society at large does not shun those who show this heritage, reasoning that most likely everyone alive has some form of Infernal ancestry.   Infra'Sha are born to parents at all societal levels, and whether or not one or more of their parents are also Infra'Sha does not seem to have an effect on the likelihood of the child being one as well.


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