Lahun Settlement in The Liber Goetia setting | World Anvil
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Lahun (La-Hoon)


Lahun is the most diverse city of the three, being primarily a port town. The vast majority of it's resident population are human, but the travellers passing through are of varying races and descents.


Like the other cities, Lahun is encircled by walls. There are also great channels cut into the land surrounding the city that can, in times of strife, be flooded with water redirected from the rivers which the city sits between - effectively turning the city itself into a small island nation.


Lahun houses a large shipyard and impressive dock, as well as a sizeable warehouse district near the dockyards.   In contrast to the other cities, the roads are laid out in an organised grid system to ensure efficiency in transport.


Tall, multi-storied buildings and towers are more commonly found than in other parts of Theligose, owing to the shortage of space created by city's location between the two arms of the Tanitic river.
Alternative Name(s)
The Gatehouse
Large city
Approximately 15,000
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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