Liste Settlement in The Liber Goetia setting | World Anvil
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Brimstone isn't all bad. Lands that have been caked in ash are fertile ground. Life, as always, springs more fervently from the fruits of destruction. - Ptahmose Heqa-Ma'at, on Liste's surroundings  
In contrast to the dry, arid lands that make up the majority of Theligose - especially in the Red Sands - Liste, and the area around it, is lush, fertile land. The soil around the city itself is pitch black, and is comprised mostly of volcanic ash.


Liste is almost entirely human, with occasional Infra'Sha inhabitants.   Most of the inhabitants are involved in some way in agriculture, with the central areas of the city being concerned mostly with the processing of the materials shipped in from the outskirts.


Like the other cities, Liste has a strong wall surrounding it.   The forests around the city can also be counted amongst its defenders. In times of strife, the lords of Liste can seemingly bend the forest to their will. Rumors tell of spells woven into the very Earth that will allow the trees to uproot and walk in defence of the city.

Industry & Trade

Most of the city's exports are related to natural products - Banded chests, wooden receptacles, woollen and leather clothing and so forth.

Natural Resources

Wood from the nearby forests, fertile lands surrounding the city.
Alternative Name(s)
The Golden City
Large city
Around 12,000
Ruling/Owning Rank
Characters in Location


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