Naming Conventions Among Nobility Tradition / Ritual in The Liber Goetia setting | World Anvil
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Naming Conventions Among Nobility

Nobles of Theligose use specific naming conventions when interacting with others of their station.


  • Last name only (E.G. "Qureshi"). This is considered an insult. The implication is that you view them as little more than a tool of their family, rather than an indivdual in their own right.
  • Title and last name (E.G. "Master Heqa-Ma'at"). The standard form of polite address among those you are not familiar enough with to consider friends.
  • First name only (E.G. "Hathor"). The standard for of informal address. Reserved for those you consider close friends. The move to using first names is considered a significant step and a mark of friendship.
  • Nickname or shortened first name (E.G. "Hath", for Hathor). An intimate form of address. Using this form of address usually signifies a romantic or close familial relationship.


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