BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Excerpts from the field report of Apprentice Akhen Luxor

  Day 1   Arrived in Lower Waset with the mail carriage, as instructed.   I find it likely that the inhabitants of this small village know not of the kind of creature that lurks just beneath their notice. Most were friendly enough, and seemed quite calm.   I began making enquiries of the inhabitants slowly, having no desire to spread undue panic or alarm. After all, if the creature has so far escaped their notice, they are likely not in any immediate danger.   No persons unaccounted for in the population (note: Do not discount potential for supernatural ability to alter memories of those it has not yet claimed, like the Raha'Lernea (see Manseur/Raha'Lernea, 327AR).   Day 4   Conducted a survey of the area surrounding the village for signs of inhabitation by supranatural entity. No disturbances detected in the Weave (see attached diagram).   During the course of my evening conversations with local miners, enquired directly about the creature by name. Those at the table with me shared some uncomfortable looks among themselves, before denying that anything of the like could be around here. I don't need to be able to read their minds to know that they know more than they're letting on.   Day 12   A breakthrough! Whilst conducting clandestine surveys of the Weave within the village's limits, I overheard some children playing nearby. Whilst I was not paying much attention to the content of most of their screaming, I happened to overhear one of them refer to the creature I am hunting. She was able to provide me with a full description - though I assume her assertion that the creature "eats only the naughtiest and smallest children" to be fabrications on the part of either herself or, more likely, her parents. I have attached a physical description, as well as a rough sketch based on the young lady's account.   My theories so far are:
1) Perhaps the creature can only be seen by the innocent - such as young children?
2) The inhabitants of this village may be under the creature's influence - it certainly wouldn't be the first cunning infiltrator to have the appearance of a mere brutish beast.
3) The adult inhabitants may be attempting to hide the creature's existence for some reason.
  I shall make an attempt to follow the foreman of the mine tomorrow. If, as I fear, this community is under the sway of this entity, he is likely to lead me right to it.  
Personally, I think chasing myths and legends is character building. It builds critical thinking skills, and lets you get used to being constantly on edge without being in any actual danger.
— Goaler Hathor Mehet, on her decision to send her apprentice to "research" the Seb'Ayut

Basic Information


A terrible hybrid of a crocodile and a hippopotamus, having the mouth and front of the former and the hindquarters of the latter.   The creature is said to have slimy, malleable skin that allows it to squeeze through impossibly tight spaces.

Ecology and Habitats

The Seb'Ayut is purported to live in dark, cramped places such as the bottom of wells, deep within mineshafts, and in particularly deep caverns.   The fact that these are all places that adults would want to warn curious children away from in case they fall is, of course, purely coincidental.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The creature is rumoured to eat only the smallest, naughtiest children it can find. The naughtiness apparently lends the bones a crunchy texture that it finds particularly pleasing.
Overactive Imagination


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