She'Azwa in The Liber Goetia setting | World Anvil
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A popular tavern game, at first glance the rules of She'Azwa appear deceptively simple.   Played using a standard deck of cards - four suits, each with ten numbered cards and one face card - and two ten-sided dice, players roll the dice and then attempt to play two cards from their hand which add up to the same total. Once each person has made their move the one who came closest to matching the number shown on the dice scores a point, with the first to reach ten points the winner.   The game is complicated by additional rules which can be declared by players once they score a point - they might decide that for the next round, only the Moon and Sun suits can be played or that players can only play a pair of cards from the same suit, for example.   Depending on regional rules, the value of the face cards can also differ. In some cases they have no value and in others they are a 'free' card that can represent a number of the player's choosing. Alternatively, these two rules can be combined with the Angel and Devil cards representing zero and the Moon and Sun cards being 'free' cards.


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