Shell Item in The Liber Goetia setting | World Anvil
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Mechanics & Inner Workings

Each Shell contains lines of arcane sigils and runes that shield the Devil's essence from the poison of the mortal world and allows their own arcane strength to be projected outwards. Each Shell enhances the Devil's natural abilities in some way, whether physical or magical, according to the task it was made to perform.


Denizens of the Hells are unable to survive in the mortal realm for long in their true form. Mechanical Shells, often resembling imposing suits of armour, were constructed for them to allow them to conduct business within She'Ammut.   Whilst they often took bipedal, humanoid form, there was no strict need for them to do so. Shells of non-standard design were on occasion made for specific tasks, most usually war.
Item type


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