The Rise of Man Military Conflict in The Liber Goetia setting | World Anvil
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The Rise of Man

The Conflict


In the years leading up to 10BR, the peoples of She’Ammut felt the weight of their chains grow ever heavier. More sacrifices, more labor, more men taken as soldiers to the land beyond the Brimstone Threshold at younger ages, never to return.   Slowly, their fear of their hellish masters became smaller than their resentment, and they began making preparations in earnest for a full scale revolt.   It began with stealing the secret of their magic, that it may be used against them.


In each of the three cities, a champion led a guerilla movement.   Aset Qureshi , Sakhet Manseur , and Heru Abydos , being the first to decipher the secrets of the Hell’s binding magics, were these champions. There was some degree of disagreement regarding the timing of the uprising - Heru felt that more time was needed to train their acolytes to ensure the best chance of victory in what would surely be their only chance to rid their land of the devils that plagued it, but Sakhet could no longer stand to see the suffering of her people, which had only grown more intense in the months leading up to open rebellion. Aset was the one to break the stalemate, taking the view that whilst Heru's assessment was tactically sound, further delay in the face of the Hells' recent increase in activity would likely mean that there would be very little of their people left to liberate when they were truly ready.


The majority of the fighting took place within the streets of the Three Cities, with the final battle being fought at the mouth of the Brimstone Threshold itself.

The Engagement

Almost overnight, the three cities changed from quiet, efficient dwellings to raging battlefields. The Hells' Infernal Guard was quickly deployed from the Brimstone Threshold to squash what was thought to be a small and easily managed rebellion consisting of malcontents, the kind for which they were more than prepared.     The Infernal Guard were taken by complete surprise when, upon engaging the mob of citizenry that had formed, they found themselves facing an organised force rather than the motley band of rioters they were expecting. Within minutes their commanders made the decision to fall back and await arcane support. Not all of the Guard was able to retreat, and reports reached each individual unit's commander that humans had been seen invoking magic. More disturbing still were the rumours that one such human had been seen stripping the armour from an Infernal Guard, weaving an arcane circle around the now-loose demonic spirit, and trapping it in the mortal world without a Shell.   Archduke Agreas of the 8th Circle was despatched to lend support to the Guard. Little is known of the specifics of the engagements that followed, but all agree on how it ended - The Brimstone Threshold sealed by man-weaved magic, Archduke Agreas missing, and the Three Cities declaring independence from the Hells.
Conflict Type
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Ending Date


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