1301 "Dawn's Crown" Geographic Location in The Library Above the Stars | World Anvil
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1301 "Dawn's Crown"

Dawn's Crown is a secret dimension birthed from the remains of the Rift Dimension. It is now Bucket's home dimension. It was slowly formed over time through the crystals and its light and is now the place where crystals reside and grow. The stars glowing high up in the sky are actually Crystal Rifts.


Starlight Clearing

A peaceful field with white sand and puddles of water. Considered safe spaces, they commonly have crystal trees as they're the best places to grow them in.

Enigmatic Forest

A dark forest filled with Soul Drainers and Rabbit Holes. Dreamberry bushes, Crowls, and Soulipilars can also be found here.

Starlight Oasis

A calm lake hidden away in the depths of the forest. They are often populated by Solfrogs and Soothlittes.

Freezing Forest

A forest similar to the Enigmatic Forests but it is engulfed in an endless blizzard and is generally much darker. Soulipilars and Soul Drainers can still be found here.

Dreamer's Peaks

A mountainous area piercing the heavens. The rocks here are made out of a unique stone that currently doesn't have a name.

Reflective Shoreline

An undisturbed sea reflecting the sky above.


Home of the Languished


Lucidium is a biome within Dawn's Crown and the home of The Dry. The environment is a dark forest with floating islands spread throughout the biome and a dark blue sky illuminating everything.




Beams of light

Rabbit Holes

Rabbit holes are big holes found all over Dawn's Crown within the ground of Enigmatic Forests. While no rabbits exist in Dawn's Crown, these holes exist anyway. The rabbit holes are often entrances to bigger caves, which are then quickly turned into Crystal Mines. They can also be dead ends, usually trapping the individual that would attempt to enter them if unprepared. Rabbit holes can also lead to large empty cave systems, sometimes containing an unknown dark material. These rabbit holes can usually be identified by their unusual depth, though that can be difficult to make out from the surface. For the average person, entering these kinds of rabbit holes unprepared is usually a death sentence.

Shadestone Roots


Lantern-like objects that grow out from the ground in Dawn's Crown. They're made from an unknown dark material and are usually too heavy for any regular creature to move. While their light provides some warmth, individuals can also rarely see visualisations of their ideas, dreams, memories, or the souls of others. Totemlights can produce faint whispers by those lost souls powering them.

Crystal Trees

Crystal Buds

Crystal Mines


Creatures and Plants

Soul Drainers

Shadowy creatures who fear the light. Not native to the dimension and sort of an invasive species.


Bello's species. Some of the strongest creatures in Dawn's Crown. Each of them has its own personality but you need to befriend them early on in their life as they don't easily trust strangers. An alternative for them would be an "if you're their friend then you're my friend too" kind of policy, but you'll need to find a soulipilar who's already befriended someone you can communicate with for that to happen.


Frogs that live in starlight oases, can glow using soothlittes, and that's about it they're just cute. Keep one as a pet maybe?


Crow owls, they make funky noises. They get mad when you look at them for too long, and when they do they will teleport you to another location. Befriending one might be useful if you like that sort of thing.


Fireflies/crickets hybrid. They have a relaxing aura and will help you fall asleep, but also relieve stress and anger. Even the most ferocious creatures will fall asleep to them if given enough exposure.


Phthalo's species. They have everything to do with darkness and shadows. They use darkness as a fast method of transportation and can even turn shadows into solid objects.


Dawn's Crown edition, they are fun and cool :)

The Dry

The Dry are creatures that live within Lucidium. They have dark blue skin and sad expressions with dark streaks emerging from their eyes as if they were permanently crying, however, these creatures can feel any kind of emotion as normal. They are incapable of shedding tears when saddened.

The Languished

The Languished are creatures from Dawn's Crown that live within the Coalgam. They are bright red, molten, twisted, fleshy, unfitting mashups of other creatures all stitched together into a vaguely humanoid-shaped pile of flesh. They have pitch-black eye sockets and a permanent smile on their faces. While this expression makes them look happy, their bodies are in a constant state of decay and suffering. They are incapable of expressing their emotions apart from literal verbal communication. Some of the Languished live within the Languished Ruins, while the others roam the harsh landscape of the Coalgam or beyond. They are descendants of [REDACTED] and because of that, [REDACTED] is part of [REDACTED] Many of the Languished outside of the Languished Ruins have gone insane and seek to feast upon the flesh of the lost. Those within the ruins aren't much better off, but at least they are more sane than their feral counterparts so you are much more likely to be able to have an actual conversation with them. While they would like to redeem those less sane, they are in no position to provide such support. They are all barely holding onto life and will do whatever it takes to keep their legacy and bloodline going.  


Excess' Remains

A small area located in a clearing in the Enigmatic Forest of Dawn's Crown. It contains some ruins that were once Excess' base of operations until Bucket destroyed it.

Languished Ruins

The Languished Ruins are an area within the Coalgam that contains the broken remains of a once-thriving city. While it lies in ruins, it remains inhabited by The Languished.

Dried City

A mostly intact ancient city floating above the Lucidium.  


Dawn's Crown was born from the ruins of the destabilised Rift Dimension - a dimension that only served as a back-alley way of interdimensional travel. The new, more stable dimension was born from a combination of powerful crystals and Light. The crystals that grow and can be found in Dawn's Crown are the remnants of those same powerful crystals. Bucket, who already had knowledge of the original Rift Dimension, was also aware of Dawn's Crown's existence and would visit it from time to time, even planting a crystal tree that led to the Hubhouse. During the events of the Tainted Valley Incident, the Chibi Mabis and Pixel - who were still staying in the Hubhouse - went on various expeditions and explorations to Dawn's Crown using this crystal tree.   During the events of the Tainted Incident, the Chibi Mabis and Pix - who were still staying in the Hubhouse - went on various expeditions and explorations to Dawn's Crown using the crystal tree in the basement.   Following the events of the Tainted Valley Incident, Bucket moved to live in Dawn's Crown permanently.    Once Sand came back from Hell, he went to Dawn's Crown to visit Bucket, first expressing his anger that Bucket would forget about him and leave him in Hell for so long. After the anger subsided, Sand and Bucket attempted to contact Astrit through the void hivemind. But this was to no avail. Wanting to find Astrit and continue to become stronger, Sand found himself being taught how to survive by Azradon. After being taught the ropes, Sand continued to wander through Dawn's Crown with his new companions.   After an expedition to Excess' Remains, Azradon, Sand, Bello, and Phthalo ended up running into Bucket, who had destroyed Excess. Bucket sent Sand back to the Valley, leaving Azradon, Bello, and Phthalo alone to explore Dawn's Crown   Meanwhile, in another corner of the dimension, some wanderers from Furry Earth had stumbled into the dimension. Their journey is currently ongoing...

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