Reading by the fire

With the amount of books I write and the even greater amount that come through my library by means of other hands, one would think that I am always reading something new. And yes, that could be the case. Even my infinitely long life is not enough to profit of everything, so you may imagine me as an agitated rabbit, always jumping from one book to the other. And yet, sometimes, I too like to take a pause. To slow down with the new, pick one of my worn out books that I have already read times and times again, and sit on my best chair by one of the numerous fireplaces. I have about a hundred rest places around thee library, and each is as comforting.

The Web

Whenever I want to indulge myself in some urban horror with splendid and well-written articles, The Web is my choice. It may seem odd to find comfort in such a grim reading, yet it is my case. As a matter of fact, I don't think I even have read everything the Web has to offer, but I regularly come back to some of my favourite articles: everything related to Oxenfree and Michael, as well as the Storytellers, which is my absolute favourite.


I also like to delve into Cathedris, for the wonderful visuals and design. It is just so good I could spend hours just looking at those illustrations and the God-husks creeping out of their own articles. Furthermore, it is another gem of writing with what I love most: interactivity! Stormbril is an unending source of inspiration that I will never get tired of.


While these are full on worlds, I also enjoy relaxing with some novels or illustrated works such as webtoons. La Horde du Contrevent and Tower Of God are such masterpieces that I always come back to and reread from the ground up. There is a real comfort in reading something you already know, just to enjoy the art, whether it is writing or drawing style, and spectate the events unfold.


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Aug 20, 2024 01:06 by Deleyna Marr

Reading is indeed delightful!
