Worlds you may also like

Greetings, fellow anvilites, archivists and librarians alike! The community we form in this vast anvilspace is a net, only of loosely connected nodes. As a network expert, I just could not let that stand. This here is my suggestion for a tighter connection between each one of us: Worlds you may also like.


No matter how hard we try to make them unique, there will always be similarities between worlds. Whether it is sharing a niche subgenre, a specific part of the world or some underlying theme, there are many ways for a world to remind us of another. Instead of viewing it as a competition for originality, I think it would be beneficial for everyone if authors collaborate and direct their readers to similar works. Hell, most of what I write are in obscure genres because I'm in a desperate need to read more of them.


The proposal


This proposal is, of course, purely a suggestion. It is directed to every WorldAnvil author that wants to connect with the community. To participate, add a section at the bottom of your primer or homepage titled "Worlds you may also like" and link the world blocks of worlds you deem similar. Here is an example of one such primer (scroll to the bottom).


If you write in multiple worlds you can, of course, link to yours if they are relevant. Self-promotion is also important, and helping your reader browsing through your work is also part of this proposal.


Now of course, you have the final say in which world you think are alike yours. You should never feel pressured to link to a world you don't think fits. And if you want another world to refer to yours in its section, it is basic courtesy to add them in yours first. Give and take, this sort of thing.


In the end, this is just to give you the idea. Take it, twist it however it makes sense to you, I'm happy as long as it helps anvilites interact and connect more between each others. Also, if you feel something is lacking or an issue should be addressed, feel free to let me know.


Share your worlds!


I'm not one to make such proposals and not make the first move. Since I am writing in a lot of worlds, I have a wide range of genres and concepts, and I read too few to have a good grasp on what is out there. Below is a list of my worlds, and if you think you have one that is close to one of them, let me know and I'll add them!

My worlds, poorly explained
Generic article | Sep 8, 2024

Cover image: The Librarowl by Rumengol via MidJourney


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Oct 20, 2024 17:55

This is a great idea. I’ll have to think about which of the worlds I follow belong in my listing and add it in.

Oct 22, 2024 11:10

Thank you! I'm just starting to read the million islands, but some part of it reminded me of CrazyEddie's Koria, especially what I understood of the dream. I don't know enough of both worlds to be 100% sure, just throwing the idea.

Join Worlds you may also like, an initiative for a user-curated navigation between similar worlds!
Oct 21, 2024 11:50 by Annie Stein

This is a very lovely initiative, Rumengol! I'm going to add a few recommendations to my authors note like Mochi did, and link back to this article here <3

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Oct 22, 2024 11:12

Thank you, I'm glad to see you take part in it, and for linking back :D   (I deleted your other comment, I believe you didn't intentionally send a duplicate)

Join Worlds you may also like, an initiative for a user-curated navigation between similar worlds!
Oct 22, 2024 11:25 by Annie Stein

That would be correct! I've got a broken mouse atm that likes to double click on my behalf. Thanks for fixing it!

Creator of Solaris -— Come Explore!
Oct 22, 2024 09:51 by Mochi

Added some worlds into my intro!

Into the Yonderverse
Generic article | Oct 21, 2024

Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Check out my Institutes of Learning Challenge entry!
Oct 24, 2024 09:57

Awesome you go Mochi!

Join Worlds you may also like, an initiative for a user-curated navigation between similar worlds!
Oct 23, 2024 15:00 by Imagica

What a great idea! I really enjoy seeing articles like this that aim to share the love of this beautiful community! I will definitely join this initiative <3

Do you enjoy a good old-fashioned circus? If so, check out my project for Spooktober 2024, here:Spooktober 2024

And if you find that intriguing, you can always visit my world of Kena'an for more tales of fantasy and magic!

Oct 24, 2024 09:59

Thank you, I love seeing people joining in!

Join Worlds you may also like, an initiative for a user-curated navigation between similar worlds!