Solace Settlement in The Light of Aestharya | World Anvil


A Forgotton Ruin

Solace or as it was known during the Elven Empire Rax Partha, is a ruined city turned into a frontier town. Having claimed homesteading rights on the ruins of Rax Partha, retired General Eduard Sollustain has set up a small town outpost here on the edges of the desert in order to help new homesteaders and adventures as they reclaim lands from the wilds of the Evergrowth.  

Two Gnome Town

Solace has but 3 residents, Its former General now Mayor, and Gimble and Gamble Fizzleboom. It was a hard sell getting anyone to cross the desert and set up a town with little resources or contact, and in the end Ed's only applicants were the strange gnomish twins. They have however proven themselves up to the task of turning this ruined Elvish City into a semi functioning town ready to receive its first guests.


Solace is run, owned and maintained by Eduard Sollustain and the Fizzleboom brothers respectively.


Rax Partha was and Elven outpost in the age of the Light. It served in keeping the fading S'sthrax Empire to the east in check from expanding into Elven occupied lands as well as a trade and port town for the North and eastern coasts of Rotheria. When the Age of Light faded and the Elven Empire disappeared the city succumbed to the Evergrowth, a natural defense of the Elven empire that consumes all in a dense wild magic forest. As the kingdoms of Rotheria expanded westward to claim lands that were once held by Elven Empire the need for brave souls to restore towns and cities lost to the Evergrowth grew. Eduard Sollustain, a former general now in retirement sought one last good adventure and chose Rax Partha as his homestead and vowed to turn it into a civilized city before he died.


Solace lies on the western edge of the great Desert of E'lan often referred to the slithering sands. On the east it is bordered by rocky hills that keep the dunes from advancing too far. To the north the Lower Dragonspine mountains loom high. The town itself is nestled amidst the rocky hills and a small river that comes from the base of the dragonspine south. The western edge of town is a dense wild forest where the Evergrowth still clings to life.
Alternative Name(s)
Rax Partha
Location under


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