Sundered Clans Ethnicity in The Light of Aestharya | World Anvil

Sundered Clans

The Tower Stood for Thousands of years, a pinnacle to the mastery of the Arcane magics of Aestharya. From atop its crystalline structure one could see all of Valmorna and the oceans beyond. It was a gift given by the Dragonlords and in its halls dragon and mortal race alike studied, learned and grew in knowledge and power. Whether in reaction to the hubris, or something more sinister, the answer is lost in time but on one night the tower exploded in an arcane explosion that sundered the south eastern region of Valmorna shattering the continent and its kingdoms. The Dragonclans and the Dragons themselves were nearly wiped from existence.   Arcane leylines were torn asunder realeasing the mystic powers of Aestharya and creating an unstable storm that still rages today. The area flooded with arcane radiation permeating every living and non living thing. Over time the dragons that remained trapped within the magical tempest evolved and changed becoming Dragonborn, merging with other lifeforms and some new life born from the tears in reality. Thus the Sundered Clans were born. The Sundered Clans rarely tolerate intruders on their lands.   The Sundered Clans are a mismatched ragtag conglomeration of various groups of dragonborn and other inhabitants who dare to call the isles home. Nautical by nature and warlike they give to the whims of the magical consumption that tears through thier blood and their lands.


Major language groups and dialects

Sundered clans speak dragonborn, common

Art & Architecture

The clans rotate amidst the isles dependant on the cylce of the storms that still rage from the magic exlposions, thier architecture is in the flotilla of ships.

Major organizations

The Sundered Clans are ruled by a council made up of the various Colours once attributed to thier ancestry. Each colour has a fleet of ships and is responsible for supporting the entire isles.
Parent ethnicities
Related Locations


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