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Session 18: Cerval Orfalx

26th of Snowmelt

General Summary

Having just defeated the Ankhegs, the party continues on their journey to find Cerval. After following the river for yet another fifteen minutes, they eventually arrive at a large plateau clearing in the mountain. At the far end, they notice a large black stone, surrounded by blue chromatic roses. Indra manages to catch some part of the mountain that catches the light in a funny way, and discovers a hidden path through an illusion. Nevertheless, the party decides to follow instructions, and Killian uses a shocking grasp on the stone. This causes lightning to strike in the distance in the mountains, and the following tremor in the earth causes Killian to fall on top of some of the chromatic roses. The party realises they have just lost any potential surprise advantage, but also notice that the illusion Indra had seen is now gone. Deducing that it is the most logical way forward, the party heads further in to the mountains until they eventually arrive at an enormous cave entrance into the mountains themselves. Here they notice lighting flashing from inside the mountain, and as a result the party decides to enter as quietly and carefully as possible. They arrive in a large dome-like cave room, where lighting strikes from the top of the room into a large hole in the center of the room. With some quick tests, the party quickly realizes the hole at least 100 meters deep, and that powerful wind surges push anything close to the hole into the hole just before the lightning strikes. In an attempt to not endanger themselves, the party moves on into a sort of audience hall, where they meet Cerval. A standoff ensues, where both Cerval and the party are unsure as to whether the outcome of this meeting will be diplomatic or end in bloodshed. After the party asks Cerval what his opinion is on the Feaster and why is in the mountains in the first place, he invites the party to 'come find him downstairs' before he disappears.   The party hesitantly starts making their way downstairs, but not before checking every possible room that is unlocked, discovering various blue-dragon themed objects. They discover a few dozen corpses of the ghouls and large four-armed creatures associated with the Feaster spread throughout this cave hideout, seemingly murdered by lightning damage. Once downstairs, the party notices an enormous metal door on the left, depicting iconography of a blue dragon, storms and the Watcher of Winds Kriastra. At the far end of the cave, they find Cerval, who is standing on the other side of an inky watery pool. They quickly relate it to one of the many portals to the world of the Feaster, and the lightning they had seen at the start of the cave seems to impact into the pool here, striking creatures that seem to attempt to climb out.   Again, the party and Cerval try to feel where the conversation is going, but for a while it seems to go nowhere. Cerval tries to convince the party that they can trust him by the fact that he has not attacked them since they invaded his home, and eventually offers them a job. Cerval means to close all the portals to the real of the Feaster, but thanks to Brother Bladd Cerval is missing part of his soul, and is thus unable to close the portals. This also prevents him from entering the realm to retrieve it by himself, as the missing part of his soul will be filled with whatever that realm throws at him. Cerval also tells the party that his supposed 'lichdom' is false, and that him missing part of his soul has been twisted by Bladd and the Bounty for their nefarious purposes. He asks the party to retrieve this part of his soul, and even offers to give them a potion which allows them to explore the strange realm safely for the first day.   The party is thorn between helping Cerval to ensure the portals of the Feaster remain closed, or to kill Cerval for their bounty and for the fact that he is giving off evil vibes. Indra asks Aphos what to do, and though the visions she receives are somewhat unclear, the party deduce that he must be evil by a vision of kneeling people. Thus the party attacks, and a dangerous fight ensues. Cerval tosses lighting all around the room, Indra takes on a dark form sprouting wings and horns, Killian blasts with magic from the other realm, Uthal grapples a flying Cerval to the ground and Leaf attempts to help the party wherever she can with her druidic powers. Though the fight seems to be going relatively well, Cerval eventually transforms as well, sprouting his own set of skeletal electric wings, his eyes now crackling blue. It seems the fight has only just started, will the LUKI Four survive?   Next Session: Session 19: Lightning and Darkness
(Noteworthy) Characters Interacted With:
Cerval Orfalx
Report Date
04 Nov 2023
Cerval Orfalx


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