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Session 3: Bullywugs, Crows and Demons

12th - 14th of Snowmelt

General Summary

Despite only knowing each other for two days, the LUKI Four have already set out on a journey to complete their second official assignment. They are searching for Lohik Bakkaroto, a halfling scout operating in the area between The Floats and Mor Baladur, who reported seeing strange symbols in the Bullywug town around three weeks ago. He hasn't been heard from since. At dawn, after a brief stop at Wilburs' to buy a weapon and shield for Indra, our heroes sail away on the Sinking Otter. With them is Cormin Hillfellow, Lohik's replacement.
  Late on the second day of their voyage, the party arrives on the eastern shores of the Sunrise Lake, about half an hour from The Floats. It is a particularly misty day, which allowed the Sinking Otter to drop them off much closer than originally expected. The fog hangs heavy and opaque around our heroes, obscuring them inside a restless stillness. With Cormin heading north of the Starlight Road, the party follows the shores of the lake. After twenty minutes, they begin hearing noises in the distance. There are sounds of clashing steel amidst the cawing of crows. They decide to take a closer look, making their way to a clearing in the forest. By the time they get to the clearing, the battle has seemingly ended and they find nothing but a murder of crows pecking at the corpses of Quasits and a large, frog-like demon. Upon their arrival, the crows scatter to the treetops. One crow stands out; it is bigger than all the others, with a few crimson feathers. When our adventurers leave the scene, the crows caw twice in unison - a good omen, according to Killian. The party leaves the forest to find The Floats under attack by demons similar to what they saw in the woods, in addition to one goat-like demon. The LUKI four see an opportunity to win the good graces of the Bullywugs, and join the fray. The battle is not easy, but they emerge victorious.
  After the battle, our adventurers explain that they want to see the Bullywug's leader, Amazius the Fat, and they are taken through the settlement to the Bullyboss Castle to meet the ruler of The Floats. The city itself is a collection of wooden buildings built on top of one another, and looks like it can collapse at any minute. They also meet an elderly enslaved Goblin by the name of Bolx, who is assigned to the party as a translator. They enter Bullyboss castle, which is lavishly decorated with octopus carvings and symbols as a tribute to Malaqiel, Watcher of Healing. Though they make a good first impression, the party is quickly asked to leave the Bullyboss Castle to instead talk with Naveen, the high priest of the Bullywugs. Traveling to the Reflecting Pond - a stone religious building on one of the city's floating rafts - the party learns the location of Tiana, someone Grand Overseer Belkoris Wilthorn asked them to find. They are also told that they are welcome to stay at the Five Fires, a tavern at the centre of the settlement. After learning all they can from Naveen, the party pays a visit to Tiana's Hut, which is another one of the wooden buildings but with a nice decorative cloth over the top, making it look like a circus tent.
  Tiana seems happy to help our heroes out, informing them that she hasn't seen any strange signs or symbols, but that Lohik had asked the same thing just before he disappeared. She tells the party that they may have some luck finding clues near Knuc's Observatory, though the Basilisk that guards it may prove a difficult challenge. The LUKI Four extends an invitation to Tiana to join them, but Tiana says that she is unsure if she'll come along. After a long day, the party retires to the Five Fires, where they enjoy some local foods and drinks before turning in for the night. Despite getting a good night's rest, the next morning is all but relaxing. The party awakes to the sound of someone pounding on the trapdoor leading to their bedroom. Opening the trapdoor, Bolx explains that the gemstone embedded in the throne of Amazius the Fat has been stolen, and that the LUKI Four are suspected of stealing it!   Next session: Session 4: Tower Troubles
(Noteworthy) Characters Interacted With:
  • Wilburs, the blacksmith of Gildenwharf
  • Cormin Hillfellow, Scout for the Golden Order
The Floats:
  • Amazius the Fat, Master of the Muck, leader of The Floats.
  • Tiana, Healer at The Floats
  • Naveen, High Priest of Malaqiel at The Floats
  • Bolx, Translator at The Floats
  • Plux, Dofles and Zuff From the Five Fires at The Floats
Report Date
07 Nov 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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