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Session 7: To Brothers' Crossing

16th - 19th of Snowmelt

General Summary

Flashing back to a little bit before the end of the last session, the LUKI Four use the remainder of their last day in the Floats to track down one of the possible locations for the Red Crow. They travel to the east, but do not manage to find the Red Crow among the crows they spot. However, they do come across an outbreak of Deathroot, seemingly centred on a dead body. Two members of the party decide to attempt to inspect the body, with Uthal brute forcing his way towards the body and Indra trying to move carefully in between the puffs of Deathroot. They are able to retrieve the Boots of Elvenkind from the body of the halfling, along with an noteworthy four copper pieces, all without suffering any ill effects of the Deathroot.   The next morning, our adventurers ready their horses (and Leaf's pony) and set out on their journey to Brothers' Crossing. The first day of travel starts rather slowly until a sudden earthquake shakes up the party. The cause is the Lighthouse, which lights up roughly every 100 years, accompanied by continent-wide earthquakes. Only Leaf is old enough to remember a time that has happened before and she manages to mostly calm down her companions, though Killian sees this event as yet another bad omen for the trip.   After an hour the earthquakes subside and the party arrives at the location of the Red Crow. They are faced with a sight eerily similar to the previous time they encountered the Red Crow: a battlefield littered with dead demons and an immense murder of crows in the treetops. Leaf is now able to talk with the crows, although they only seem to shout a chorus of "murder" and "kill", which doesn't help the party out much. Just like last time, our adventurers ask several questions and attempt to get the attention of the Red Crow, but are unable to persuade it to do or talk about anything else. Despite this, the crows seem to acknowledge the name Knuc as well as the sign on the hand of Indra, who gets annoyed at the fact that the crows seem to ignore her questions about the symbol. Slightly defeated, the party moves on to an uneventful first evening of camping.   Their second day of travel is nearly the exact opposite of their first. The day itself passes without any trouble. During the night, the LUKI Four decide to set up camp near a large tree on a hill. They investigate a gravestone near the tree, which reads "In memory of Eleanne and Roberdas". Leaf decides to spend the night in the tree and takes the first watch. During this watch, she suddenly hears the sound of crying from over by the tombstone. Curious, she looks over to see a ghostly figure in a wedding dress. An attempt to quietly wake up Killian goes slightly wrong, with multiple tree branches snapping on Leaf's way back down. Killian goes to check on the banshee, which seems to have disappeared. He investigates the gravestone and is suddenly surprised by the banshee's attempt to grab his face, retaliating with a firebolt. Combat ensues, but three of our four heroes make quick work of this haunting visage, with Leaf refusing to take part in hurting the Banshee she pitied. Defeating the Banshee seemed to reveal a necklace with a golden oak leaflet, which Leaf swiftly pockets. After this, Killian takes the second watch of the night, which goes by peacefully.   The third and final day of travel once again proceeds quietly for the most part, though the party spots about a hundred centaurs riding past far in the distance. A few hours after noon, the LUKI Four finally lay eyes on Brothers' Crossing. They spot a carriage near the east gate escorted by five Griffon Knights. They wonder, what could this carriage hold to be escorted by such an extravagant display of might?   Next session: Session 8: Cancelling a Curse
(Noteworthy) Characters Interacted With: None
Report Date
28 May 2022
Secondary Location
Eleanne the Banshee


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