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Physical Characteristics

    Dwarves average about 4½ feet in height and are very broad, weighing as much as an adult human. Dwarves have the same variety of skin, eye, and hair colors as humans, although dwarf skin is sometimes gray or sandstone red and red hair is more common among them. Male dwarves are often bald and braid their long beards into elaborate patterns. Female dwarves braid their hair to show clan and ancestry. Dwarven attire and equipment, including weapons and shields, are decorated with bold geometric shapes, natural gems, and ancestral faces.   Dwarves age more slowly than humans, reaching physical maturity at 30 years of age. Dwarves also live longer, remaining vigorous well past 150 years of age, often living to see 200.  

Background and History

  Long before the rise of Galifar, barbaric dwarven clans dwelt in the Frostfell. The dwarves believe that their people traveled south from this frigid land in search of a more hospitable home. Stories tell how they reached the mountains of northeastern Khorvaire and there began mining great riches.   The dwarves' mountain home ran with blood for centuries as clans battled one another. Only when Galifar imposed peace upon the lands did the clans learn the value of cooperation. Although ancient grudges and enmities remain, today they are expressed through economic policies and occasional espionage and sabotage rather than overt war.  

Dwarf Lands

  Most Dwarves still call The Mror Holds home, as the loyalty to the clan persists even while away for dozens of years. However, over the course of the last 1000 years some dwarves have broken away from the clans and made a home in the rest of Khorvaire. Rivalries between clans on the Iron Council ebb and flow, but the general shape of politics with the Mroran Clans remains constant.

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