The Liadan Prophecy

The Liadan Prophecy was one of many documents held by the Shíhyí Cohak'í of the Hall of the Arcane that prophesises the next heir to the throne of Filran Fyhathyr. While it was just another heir prophecy, what made this prophecy different was that it prophesied that the next heir to the throne would be of the blood of Elisen, a descendant of the Liadan family. This was unusual as members of the royal family, particularly those in line for the throne, were almost forbidden from marrying or having children with anyone who wasn't a noble and, despite their high status in the Nyé̃m faction and their divine heritage, Vialaie, like the Liadan family, were not considered nobles.   Furthermore, the document also prophesied that, ten years after the heir's birth, the city of Filran Fyhathyr would be invaded and would fall at the hands of its invaders, with millions of Lihlsu dying. It prophesied that their people would be scattered throughout the world for two centuries, but would be reunited by the heir of Liadan blood who would restore the city to its former glory and lead their people into a new age of prosperity.   Initially written in 1810, three years before the birth of said heir, it was initially only known to the Císenk'í and Riyní of the Hall of the Arcane, as the current heir to the throne, Prince Orion, had yet to reach the age of marriage for royals and they would reveal it come the time where a marriage would be arranged for him. Two years later, in 1812, the Hall of the Arcane became aware of the fact that Elyenraera Liadan, the future Nyín Liydi Nyé̃m of the Liadan family, had been invited to the palace to teach Orion in the art of swordskills - as the Liadan family were all skilled in using a sword due to it being Elisen's signature weapon and Elyenraera was the same age as Orion and therefore likely to get along with him better. However, even then, the Arcane Riyní chose not the bring the prophecy to the king, as Orion was said to be one to follow royal traditions and therefore would be unlikely to do anything with Elyenraera unless a marriage was arranged between them.   A year later, Elyenraera suddenly seemed to vanish from Lihlsu society, and the king suddenly announced months later that Orion was to be engaged to Lady Aellaena Eilrieth from the Sun Sub-District. The Lihlsu of the Hall of the Arcane was unaware of any connection between the Liadan family and the Eilrieth family, so they immediately brought forth the prophecy to the king before the wedding could go through, as weddings were blood-binding. The king's reaction to the prophecy was anger as, unknown the Riyní of the Hall of the Arcane, he had, in his belief, already had the child of Orion and Elyenraera, a royal with the blood of Elisen, killed. He also failed to believe that the city could fall, and dismissed the prophecy as false, sending the Arcane Riyní away.   Unbeknownst to the king, Elyenraera had not killed her child, and gave birth to her son secretly in the Star Sub-District before passing him into the care of the Shadow Temple. Ferindel Liamaris, the Kislív Sí'ísh Íshla of the Shadow Temple, knew that the Hall of the Arcane had some prophecy about the next heir and the fall of the city, and went to them to ask about it on a hunch that it also involved Malos. It was then that Ferindel learnt of the prophecy, and the Hall of the Arcane learnt that the prophesied child existed and was hidden away in the Shadow Temple to prevent the current king from learning about his existence.   Following Malos' birth, Elyenraera made plans to leave the city, although she stopped by the palace to give Aellaena some advice and a warning concerning the king and Orion's safety. In the resulting conversation, she learnt that Orion and Elyenraera had truly been in love, and Elyenraera had been pregnant but had given up their child to protect them. Aellaena offered to help keep Elyenraera's son safe by checking in on him. Not long after this, Aellaena visited the infant Malos in the Shadow Temple; knowing about the prophecy as well, Aellaena asked Ferindel if he knew about it, before asking if it was about Malos once he told her that he did, learning that Malos was indeed the child mentioned in the prophecy.   Despite the king's quick dismissal of the prophecy, it became widely known by the nobles and the other members of the royal family, so when Aellaena later gave birth to the Princess Celeste, he manipulated the nobles, and later Celeste, into believing that Aellaena was a descendant of the Liadan family and therefore she and Celeste had the blood of Elisen, and that Celeste was the prophesied heir - although he continued to believe that the city wouldn't fall. Eight years after Celeste birth, when the city was indeed invaded, Aellaena sent Celeste off to be hidden in the Celestial Temple, but not before telling her that she was not the child of the prophecy as she had been led to believe, and that she had a brother who was the real heir and when the time came she was to seek him out.


The document recorded the prophecy of the next heir to the throne of Filran Fyhathyr, as well as the warning about the future fall of the city and the prophesied heir's role in the restoration of it.

Document Structure


The document detailed the fall of Filran Fyhathyr that was due to happen in the near future, and the role that the prophesied heir was due to play in saving the Lihlsu species - prompting the guardian of the heir to hide him away to prevent him from coming to any harm before he could fulfill the destiny laid out for him.

Publication Status

The document private, and locked up in the deepest area of the Hall of the Arcane. The only ones to see it were the royal family, the Císenk'í and the Riyní who signed it, and Ferindel Liamaris, the Kislív Sí'ísh Íshla of the Shadow Temple.

Historical Details


The document is one of many that prophesise the next heir to the throne of Filran Fyhathyr; however, this one also prophesied the invasion of Filran Fyhathyr and the death of millions of Lihlsu, as well as the city's restoration at the hands of the heir to the throne.


The invasion of Filran Fyhathyr by the Council of Hunters is the primarily historical event attached to this document, as well as the birth of Malos Liadan Faero, both of which followed the creation of the document but which were prophesied by the document.

Public Reaction

Of those who viewed the prophecy, the Císenk'í and Riyní of the Hall of the Arcane, and the Kislív Sí'ísh Íshla of the Shadow Temple were all horrified and worried about the future of their city that the document had foretold; of the royal family, the current king of the time was angered.


One of the long-lasting repercussions of the document was the nobles of Filran Fyhathyr convincing the Princess Celeste that she was a descendant of the Nyklaie Elisen, even though she was not, and that she was the prophesied heir, rather than her unknown-about elder brother, Malos. Another repercussion was the Kislív Sí'ísh Íshla of the Shadow Temple, Ferindel Liamaris, hiding Malos away in the Shadow Temple away from the rest of Lihlsu society to keep him safe and protect his life.
Manuscript, Magical (Tome/Scroll)
Authoring Date
1810 CE
Signatories (Organizations)


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