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Nutrients are mostly nonexistent in The Primordial Chunk to support new growth because of its parched soil and rocky surfaces. Though new growth is possible with the help of junkers, farmers and gardeners, the soil is still far too rare on The Primordial Chunk.   Clerics and paladins make natural conjurers of their ability to cast, Create Food and Water. Since natural soil can often only be afforded by those who reside within The Citadel, the people of Chaosia must find alternative means to gain their nutrients.   Many foods and beverage merchants are either themselves conjurers or they employ conjurers to create food and water which is sold to the people of Chaosia. The food is bland, but nourishing, and spoils if uneaten within 24-hours. Water however retains its nutrients and is necessary for local taverns and alchemists.


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