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General Nero (near-oh)

General Nero is a human who rose through the ranks in his military career. He is the highest ranking officer and holds supreme authority over the city of Chaosia. General Nero is stationed within The Garrison located inside The Citadel, along with hundreds of military units.   Nero is said to be opposed to Drusilla Stonepick's control over Stonepick Mine, but his hands are bound by the law, along with a public comment she once said, "Nero, if you ever try to force your soldiers into the mine, I'll blow the damn thing up and feed the city to the spikers". His political stance is that the mine should belong to the city, and not by any one individual. Nero's personal stance on Drusilla is that she was inherited control over the mine, but she did not earn it. Nero often displays ignorance and disinterest of those who reside within The Commons. When he was appointed to the rank of General ten years ago, his first mandate was a set of laws that coined the name, Nero's Laws. The laws are strict, but he was able to reduce crime by nearly 60% since he came to reign. Those within The Citadel respect his dictatorship, while those in The Commons loath him. Trials are rarely held for victims in The Commons, and punishment is typically decided by the city guards. Many would agree, that the city guards are corrupt, therefore lawbreakers within The Citadel have been known to get away with murder, if the price was right.   Despite General Nero's strict laws and discriminatory decisions, he has protected the city of Chaosia from outside threats, and is responsible for the economic successes and development of The Citadel. Unfortunately, his mind is purely focused on those within The Citadel, so those residing within The Commons are left to fend for themselves.  





Average Size

Medium: 6-feet tall  


Middle-aged: 54-years  

Body Colour and Markings

Pale skin.  


Broad shoulders and muscular build.  

Facial Characteristics

He has brown eyes, white and grey hair with a thick beard.  

Clothing, Armour, and Accessories

An expensive dark grey suit and fashionable cape, all with red trimmings.  

Visible Weapons and Items

Nothing visible to see.  


  • Middle-aged human - pale skin, brown eyes.
  • Dark grey suit and cape, red trimmings - looks expensive.
  • Tall, muscular tone.
  • White and grey hair, thick beard.


Stationed within The Garrison located inside The Citadel, along with hundreds of military soldiers and city guards.


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