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Junkers, a dangerous profession for those who feel chaotically enticed by high pay, but also high risk. Junkers venture outside the city into The Outskirts in hopes to collect random debris that arrive through portals. The Primordial Chunk, among the other four chunks (Auran, Ignan, Terran, Aquan) that once made up the planet called Ka'os is now the dropping ground for portal spells gone wrong.   Seasoned junkers know it's best to travel The Outskirts within the first few days after the deadly creatures known as spikers return beneath The Primordial Chunk for breeding and hibernation. Junkers have coined this time, The Golden Days. During this time, the land is quiet for days and the safest time to venture into The Outskirts.   Many junkers will still travel The Outskirts outside those few days but do so with high risk.
Raw Materials Gathering


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