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Limbo, a transition state between life and death. A creature inflicted with the transformation of limbo can appear as any race, but are often known as limbodians. They originate from the Material Plane after undergoing a near death experience where their body dies, but their soul lives on. A soul would then travel the multiverse until arriving at The Limbo Plane where they would rematerialize into their former selves, but their eyes would be white, skin coloured grey, and alignment becomes chaotic.   When referring to a limbodian, they keep their original ties to their species, but have "limbo" added to their name. Some examples may include:
  • Limbo human
  • Limbo firbolg
  • Limbo dwarf
  • Limbo orc
  • Limbo drow
  Due to their personality change, limbodians often follow their heart and generally are not involved in rules or traditions. They can come off as selfish and will only support authoritative decisions if they can benefit from it. Many limbodians turn to the side of crime, if they think they can get away with it. They are not necessarily opposed from helping another, but often only if they have some gain in the outcome. Four fifths the city's population resides within The Commons, most of which are limbodians.   A limbodian's appearance is identical to their past life, with the exception of:
  • White Eyes: The sclera of the eyes is all that remains. The iris and pupils fade in colour and are visible in a greyish form that is almost unseen. Looking at their eyes may give off the impression of blindness, but they can see just as good as someone not inflicted by limbo.
  • Grey Skin: An under saturated skin pigmentation. In some cases, the original skin colour remains ever so subtle to their original colour.


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Jul 28, 2022 18:03 by DM SIr Swank99

Just had this thought of undead dwarfs to write about and found your article. Looks good. Back to the drawing board for Summer Camp.

Jul 29, 2022 13:30

Thanks!!! You may also enjoy the Zombie Limbodians (homebrew):   Feel free to check out our ongoing session updates :)

Jul 29, 2022 14:21 by DM SIr Swank99

So in my dnd game, I referenced albino dwarves that registered as celestial undead. So I wanted to figure out where something would go, that is, between life and death, between angel & fiend. So I thought of Limbo and typical Limbodian as a species. So I tossed it into google for additional thought gathering and came across your article.

Jul 31, 2022 02:48

That's wonderful! It's amazing how many DM/GMs come up with such unique ideas, and we're able to synergize off one another, even in completely different campaigns. Feel free to drop a link to anything you create regarding "Limbodians", I'd love to read your take on it.

Jul 31, 2022 03:30 by DM SIr Swank99***99/a/voekerian-species