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Primordial Temple

A temple dedicated to the restoration of the former planet known as Ka'os that is open for the citizens of Chaosia to come and worship. Their belief is that the five planetary chunks (Auran, Ignan, Terran, Aquan, and Primordial) that once made up the planet Ka'os will one day be rejoined. They also believe deep within the core of The Primordial Chunk rests a powerful entity that powers the chaotic ore found within Stonepick Mine and throughout the chunk, but no proof was ever discovered to support these beliefs.   Acolytes of the Primordial Temple keep it maintained and open their arms to any who wish to share their beliefs. The temple recognizes many beliefs, so they keep a spare room containing dozens of altars of other religious beliefs from across the multiverse. Followers of the temple wear dark blue robes with a white crest of a circle embroidered on the front. The circle symbolizes the planet Ka'os when it once was and, as they believe, will one day be unified once more.   The temple only has a handful of clerics who gain their power from chaotic energy which they claim is harnessed from deep within The Primordial Chunk, but even they cannot explain the true source of their power. Acolytes will often conduct ceremonial walks throughout the city, extending their knowledge and hands to any who wish to learn or join them in their beliefs. Despite the temple being located within The Citadel, acolytes will frequently visit The Commons to help bridge the gap between the two social classes in society.   Religious services for curing wounds, blessings, removing curses, and even reviving the recently deceased are all available for a fee. All proceeds go back into the temple, though they have been known to offer their services to the less privileged in exchange for working off their debt.  

Values of the Primordial Temple

  • Honesty: Don’t lie or cheat. Let your word be your promise.
  • Courage: Never fear to act, though caution is wise.
  • Compassion: Aid others, protect the weak, and punish those who threaten them. Show mercy to your foes, but temper it with wisdom.
  • Honor: Treat others with fairness, and let your honorable deeds be an example to them. Do as much good as possible while causing the least amount of harm.
  • Duty: Be responsible for your actions and their consequences, protect those entrusted to your care, and obey those who have just authority over you.

Beliefs of the Primordial Temple

  • They believe there is a powerful entity beneath The Primordial Chunk; Few clerics have had visions of this being, and believe it is an elemental titan powerful enough to destroy worlds, but also able to create them.
  • Some theorize that the entity beneath the chunk is what fuels the chaotic ore.
  • It is believed that this powerful entity will one day rejoin the five chunks into a planet that was once called, Ka'os.
Cathedral / Great temple


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