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Ravagers are among the most adaptable and aggressive species to plague The Primordial Chunk. Territorial and prone to violent outbursts, these troll-like giants clash with all creatures they encounter.   When provoked, ravagers attack viciously, often charging towards its target. These giants also have chaotic magic flowing through their veins that warps other magic, causing it to behave in a random and chaotic manner, even changing that magic’s fundamental properties.   These giants slumber most frequently in caves or ruined structures, surrounding itself nearby chaotic ore, which explains why parts of its skin radiate blue energy beneath the jagged rocks that formulate over its outer arms, legs, shoulders, and back. They only leave their lair when hunting for food within The Outskirts, and always leave the bodily remains outside and within their lair as a way to assert dominance over a territory. Scholars from the College of Wildmagic theorize their aggressive behaviour might somehow be connected to the chaotic ore. Unfortunately for those scholars, no one to date has been successful in capturing a ravager, so their behaviour could be studied when it is away from chaotic ore for a great deal of time.  



Average Size

Large: 12-feet tall (bipedal)  

Average Weight

1,000 lbs  

Body Colour and Markings

Greyish purple leathery skin with blue energy radiating from beneath the jagged rocks that protrude over its outer arms, legs, shoulders, and back.  


Troll-like giants with two long arms and two legs with sharp claws. Despite being a bipedal creature, ravagers use their long arms to gain speed by launching themselves forward.  

Facial Characteristics

A deformed mouth with jagged sharp teeth and small circular blue glowing eyes. The face has a thick callus of rock, which serves as added protection.  


  • Gorilla-like stance and movement.
  • Greyish-purple leathery skin.
  • Aggressive behavior.
  • Bipedal - Two long arms and two legs with sharp claws.

Average Intelligence





The Outskirts of The Primordial Chunk  




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