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Spikers are considered the most deadly creatures to inhabit The Primordial Chunk. Intelligent and tactical in combat, these large monstrosities are presumed to have a breeding ground within the core of The Primordial Chunk called, The Nest. Prior to the planetary separation of Ka'os, spikers were once contained within the planetary core, but are now able to roam above land. Deep within the fissures of The Outskirts, spikers nest for months at a time, rare to be seen above land. One week every several months, spikers venture above ground in pacts, hunting for food to prepare for breeding and restart their hibernation deep within The Nest. While breeding and hunting during that week, The Outskirts is completely overrun by spikers. When they return to their nest, the land is quiet for days and the safest time to venture into The Outskirts. Junkers will often plan their expeditions within those first few days.   They have a natural chitinous armour, sharp teeth, and eight appendices. Four of them are legs, with sharp claws that give it the ability to climb vertical services. Two of them are mantis-like arms that are used to secure a tight grip on their prey. The two remaining appendices are tentacles - within their tentacles are sharp spikes made of bone that serve as projectiles.   These large predators hunt in thick packs, they are capable of extreme coordination with each other and make use of advanced tactics for surrounding and isolating their prey. Spikers can move at vast speed being a quadrupedal, but often shoot their bone spikes prior to engaging up close.  



Average Size

Large: 10-feet tall, 10-feet long (quadrupedal)  

Average Weight

1,000 lbs  

Body Colour and Markings

Thick leathery white skin with solid black eyes.  


Large predator with natural chitinous armour, sharp teeth, and eight appendices. Four of them are legs, with sharp claws that give it the ability to climb vertical services. Two of them are mantis-like arms that are used to secure a tight grip on their prey. The two remaining appendices are tentacles - within their tentacles are sharp spikes made of bone that serve as projectiles.  

Facial Characteristics

A monstrous mouth with sharp teeth with trails of drool at a constant drop. The eyes are a perfect circle and solid black.  


  • Two tentacles that shoot bone spikes.
  • Thick leathery white skin, and natural chitinous armour.
  • Intelligent hunting behavior.
  • Quadrupedal - Four legs, sharp claws. Two mantis-like arms, and two tentacles that shoot spikes of bone.

Average Intelligence

Above average  


Unknown - they appear to make a clicking sound when communicating with one another.  


Deep within The Primordial Chunk.  




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