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Striders are mountable beasts that resemble a mix between an ant eater and an elephant, but are mostly known for being incredibly affectionate, even those not domesticated. They have a long trunk that splits into three sections, and within the trunk is a long tongue. Each of the trunk sections have a tiny hole that is used to suck up any fine rock particles from The Primordial Chunk, which serves as their primary source of nutrients - they are quite remarkably self-sustainable.   As a quadrupedal, the strider can move exceptionally fast and has a natural harness above its back and beneath its belly made of a hard rocklike material, which serves as protection. It's speculated that these masses are formed from the fine rock particles it consumes through the sections of its trunk.   Striders are commonly found within the city of Chaosia and serve as main transportation for the locals, however some can be found within The Outskirts of The Primordial Chunk. It is speculated that if the city were not a refuge for these kind beasts, then they would be at risk of extinction from the threats beyond the magical veil. Further to their extinction, the calloused rock that forms over its back and under its belly continues to grow, which often crushes them to death far before elder hood. However, striders who serve the city of Chaosia are fortunate to have stone builders tend to their backs and bellies through means of the spell, Stone Shape.  



Average Size

Large: 6-feet tall, 8-feet long (quadrupedal)  

Average Weight

1,500 lbs  

Body Colour and Markings

Grey skin, similar to an elephant.  


Calloused rock forms over the back and belly, serving as protection. These quadrupedal creatures have four legs with sharp claws.  

Facial Characteristics

A long three-pronged trunk with a lengthy tongue sheathed within the trunk. The face resembles a mix between an ant eater and an elephant. Eyes are often blue, and appear gentle.  


  • A trunk split into three sections, and a long tongue sheathed within.
  • Grey skin, similar to an elephant.
  • Quadrupedal - Four legs, sharp claws.

Average Intelligence





The Outskirts of The Primordial Chunk, City of Chaosia  


Fine rock particles


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