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The Veil

The Veil is a power plant centred within the city of Chaosia. A magical veil of protection casts over the city 10,000-feet high as one massive sphere keeping the inhabitants safe from harm; falling debris, chaotic storms, and hostile inhabitants. The magical veil contains trillions of tiny floating orbs that range in various shades of blue. Despite being able to see through the veil, any creature or object that physically comes in contact is blasted back with great force.   Those who favour the arcane arts, among other kinds of magic, attend the College of Wildmagic. Students who graduate from this college are often employed by The Veil for the purpose of transmuting a material called chaotic ore into an energy source that is used to fuel the magical veil. Chaotic ore can be mined within Chaosia; although, there are many fissures outside the city that contain vast quantities of chaotic ore, but the danger outside the magical veil can prove to be quite unforgiving.   There are many reasons to go outside The Veil:
  • A dangerous profession known as Junkers are those who feel chaotically enticed by high pay, but also high risk. Junkers venture outside the city into The Outskirts in hopes to collect random debris that arrive through portals. The Primordial Chunk, among the other four chunks (Auran, Ignan, Terran, Aquan) that once made up a planet is now the dropping ground for portal spells gone wrong.
  • Scholars who often attend the College of Wildmagic explore The Primordial Chunk in hopes to study areas unknown. Many hostile inhabitants roam The Outskirts, but only several were ever recorded to books.
  • There are four towers that serve as conduits for the magical veil, these conduits require frequent repair and maintenance. A powerful spell called Antimagic Field is used to penetrate the magical veil long enough for repairs to be made.
  • Food is bland and sometimes tasteless within the city of Chaosia, only those wealthy enough to live within The Citadel are privileged to such a luxury as flavour. A risky profession known as Monster Hunter are people who seek out beasts within The Outskirts to slay for food. Fresh game is typically sold to wealthy vendors within The Citadel.
  In order to enter The Outskirts from within Chaosia, anyone may freely jump into a Portal Well located at the centre of the city. However, in order to get back each creature must have a piece of chaotic shard on them or be trapped outside The Veil forever. These shards come in various sizes and are sold by vendors within the city.
Power plant


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