Ingrained Revenance & Metempsychosis Physical / Metaphysical Law in The Locket | World Anvil

Ingrained Revenance & Metempsychosis

Written by Sterrestel


Although Animos created reincarnation within yudryae, Oraculos took over this practice from Eros and Desius. This healed the conflict between the two and allowed Oraculos to take care of reincarnated souls. Despite their embodiment, they do not have full control over revenance; they can only guide a soul toward such an idea in the hopes they will latch onto it. Ingrained Revenance is based on the strength of a soul alone. Oraculos can, however, allow corporal revenant souls to choose whether they keep marks of a past life, such as scars, tattoos, and more.

Revenance in Faunis & Floris

Ingrained Revenance is most commonly found in mortalis, however, it can be found in faunis and floris as well. It is most commonly found in the more intelligent faunis and there are some legends surrounding creatures that have lived through and remember thousands of lifetimes. Revenant floris are thought to be quite common due to typical floris lifecycles and reproduction, however so far there is no scientific evidence to prove this theory.

Belief in Revenance & Metempsychosis

Metempsychosis, or reincarnation, is a widely believed in and common idea.

Revenance is almost as common, however, there are still some that do not believe it to exist, despite living proof such as Dresden Luro or Krisdi Varalei. As with every belief, there will always be those that refuse to accept what is right under their noses, such as the living legends that walk the planet. Varalei and Luro are by far the most well known. They do nothing to hide the fact that they are novic corporal revenants, even using it to their advantage in some cases.

··─ Soulbound Revenants ─··

These revenants will tend to reincarnate with memories of past lives more often than others. Some may remember only more recent lives or specific lives, while others may remember every past life. They can also remember bits and pieces from each life, while others will be able to retain entire lifetimes worth from each life. They do not keep their corporal forms. Those that remember every single past life are extremely rare and are known as formal soulbound revenants.

··─ Ephemeral Revenants ─··

These revenants are able to keep their mortal forms and are often born after a past life dies at a young age. They are given a second chance, and once they reach a particular age they will regain memories of their past life. Ephemerals keep their corporal form from their past life. They often do not remember past lives once they have lived a full life, meaning their revenance is not soulbound and will not last through every lifetime.

··─ Corporal Revenants ─··

These revenants keep their corporal forms, similar to ephemerals, however unlike ephemerals they lived a full past life. Some may have memory of only a few past lives, all past lives, or none at all. Those that remember every past life and keep their corporal form are among the rarest of revenants. They are known as corporal novic revenants.

The alatheian people do not have nor believe in an afterlife. Instead, they are reincarnated into something else, whether living or not. Animos, the first embodiment of Life, was the first to reincarnate a soul, intending to allow their creations time to learn and adjust to their environments.


The ability to retain knowledge and memory from past lives.


The passing of the soul at death into another body either human or animal

Metaphysical, Astral

To Do

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- Redesign formatting


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