The Halcyon Empire

Originally a colony of the Protectorate, this nation won its independence in 1244 with the help of a Scholar and a few legal loopholes. Instead of fighting this, the Protectorate offered a solution that both parties could live with, much to the dismay of the other monarchies. While this worked out for the Halcyon Empire and the Protectorate, it caused a string of rebellions in the neighboring colonies, placing a target on the fledgling nation. Looking for a closer ally, the Halcyon king went on a pilgrimage to the holy capital of the Chosen Sons and adopted their religion. Once they discovered gold and salt deposits, the connection to both the monarchs and the theocracy made them wealthier than any other country in the realm. Diplomacy has become such a lynchpin to their rulership that they have consistently expanded since their independence and never started a war, (but they have ended a few). Although they have traveled to the New World, they have only done so as ambassadors and without any military or permanent residences. They are most known for their mercy missions, bringing medicines and seeds to natives to improve their reputation, but as of yet, their main navy sits at the capital.
Geopolitical, Kingdom


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